Tuesday, December 31, 2013

人心险恶, 好心不一定有好报

作者:绿色的海湾  于 2011-12-16 01:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村
一次,他说要借两天,把轿车留下,开走了卡车。当天晚上十一点多,他开回来敲门,说他把卡车留下,开轿车回去,明早再来借。我本以为他改变主意 只借一天,既然要借两天,为何当晚要来对换。他说我的车没油了,他明早再来借。言下之意是要我明白,当晚去加满油等他明早再来借。
结果,在第六天车坏了。去修,要$300。这钱当然是借车的人付,怎能车主付?他打电话来,没有说要我付钱,只是说建议我叫拖车把这车送去汽车 坟场。天呀!举世无双的巨人!$10,000多价值的车,送去汽车坟场,为了拒付$300。不过说起来也有道理,十几元的加油钱都舍不得出,怎能出三百 元?!

有的人慷慨大方,重情重义,喜欢开Party 招待亲朋好友。但有时引来无妄之灾。
我有一友,开Party邀请了好多人。主人的一位受邀者带了一位未受邀的朋友也来参加,主人甚喜。不巧此人在主人家里跌到,腿骨折,送医院开刀 治疗。过后还请律师告主人。官司历时四年多。此人索赔$1 Million,保险公司只给了$280,000。此人拿到这笔钱后,一家人开始了环游世界之旅。
你家里如果有游泳池,开Party 更是危险,万一有人特别是小孩不慎跌入池中溺死,后果不堪设想。



梵文拼音:hum ma ma hum ni svaha
通行藏音:hong ma ma hong ni soha
漢  音: 吽  麻 麻  吽  禰 莎曷
中國佛教徒常稱〈楞嚴咒〉為「咒中之王」,另據諾那活佛開示:「<大白傘蓋佛母咒>具大威力,能使怨敵自行退避,天魔外道悉皆降伏,並可摧伏一切禁咒;除 壽限已到雖長壽佛不能挽回者外,凡持此咒可除危害。」又說:「<大白傘蓋堅甲咒>(即<大白傘蓋佛母心咒>)乃屬密宗最祕密大法,其功德不但能鎮國護家, 退郤強敵,更能息災解難,實為衛國之至寶。」由此可見<大白傘蓋佛母心咒>之難得與威力。

梵文:om vajra dharma hrih
漢音:唵 縛日囉 達磨 紇哩



  • 报神分享了 Liankee Jason照片
    无良政府制造百物大涨价, 明显受益者就是那些朋党富商, 他们当然不赞成百姓出来呛声示威反对, 哪有人酱傻鼓励人家阻碍自己发达滴嘛! 什么叫作【正当管道】? 向哪个部门投诉都肯定会石沉大海,不是吗? 不然我们就委托【陈联顺大爷】帮我们呈交投诉信上去吧, 可能他老鸟有经验有LUBANG立刻解决也说不定, 你们说,对吗?
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BN--Barang Naik apartheid semua rakyat

KENYATAAN MEDIA PEMUDA PAKATAN RAKYAT PEMUDA PR SOKONG TURUN HIMPUNAN 31 DISEMBER 2013 Pemuda Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menyokong usaha anak-anak muda untuk hadir berhimpun di Dataran Merdeka pada malam ini. Insiatif anak-anak muda berhimpun bagi menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap kenaikan harga barang keperluan menandakan solidariti anak-anak muda serta keprihatinan mereka terhadap isu-isu semasa khususnya yang berkaitan dengan isu rakyat. Himpunan pada malam ini memberi pengertian bahawa anak-anak muda semakin matang dan celik politik. 
Mereka tampil membela jutaan rakyat Malaysia yang terhimpit dengan kenaikan kos hidup yang mendadak ekoran kenaikan harga yang melampau. 
Rakyat Malaysia semakin miskin dan jauh dari kemampuan sebenar memiliki kemudahan asas dan memenuhi keperluan hidup. Pemuda PR juga merasa kecewa dengan wujudnya anasir keganasan yang didakwa akan dicetus oleh pihak tertentu dengan memainkan isu ancaman bom atau kejadian letupan semasa perhimpunan malam ini nanti. 
Pemuda PR menganggap isu ancaman bom adalah cetusan rasa gelisah mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab mahu menakut-nakutkan rakyat khususnya anak-anak muda daripada bangkit menghadiri perhimpunan itu nanti. 
Pihak tertentu sengaja mencetus isu ancaman bom dengan mengulangi skrip letupan bom semasa perbicaraan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di mahkamah Jalan Duta beberapa tahun lepas yang masih menjadi misteri dan belum diselesaikan sehingga kini.
Pemuda PR sepenuhnya percaya pasukan keselamatan akan memainkan peranan mereka memastikan tiada letupan atau kejadian tidak diingini akan berlaku semasa perhimpunan itu nanti. Pemuda PR juga berkeyakinan perhimpunan ini adalah suatu perhimpunan aman sebagaimana perhimpunan-perhimpunan yang dianjurkan sebelum ini dan rakyat tidak perlu khuatir berlaku insiden yang tidak diingini. 
Akhirnya, Pemuda PR mengajak seluruh ahli dan pendokong Dewan Pemuda PAS (DPP), Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) serta Pemuda Sosialis Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAPSY) untuk turut hadir bersama anak-anak muda memeriahkan himpunan ini. 
Tahun 2013 akan melabuh tirai dengan catatan sejarah penuh gemilang anak-anak muda bangkit penuh kemarahan menandakan rakyat bukan lagi barang dagangan yang boleh diperlakukan sesuka hati. 
 SUHAIZAN KAIAT Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia YB SHAMSUL ISKANDAR MOHD AKIN Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan YB TEO KOK SEONG Ketua Pemuda Sosialis Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAPSY)
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垃圾叔叔,什么时候才可以不用上街呢 ??

垃圾叔叔,什么时候才可以不用上街呢 ??
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2014, No to barang naik (BN)

May this NEW YEAR bring all of you, 
H A P P I N E S S 

A Happy, happy New Year .... 


Friday, December 13, 2013

prof jijik dari UKM

Prof Datuk Dr Teo Kok Seong memberikan maklumat yang amat mengeliru dan menjijik yang disiarkan pada akhbar Berita Harian jijik pada 31 Julai 2013.

Menurut akhbar jijik ini, Prof yang amat tak berperut hati ini berkata: " Hari ini 90 peratus Cina di Malaysia tidak tahu berbahasa Melayu. Perangkaan ini ditulis dalam buku tulisan Rita Sim, Unmistakably Chinese, Genuinely Malaysian. Dia juga menuliskan 90 peratus kekal tidak berhubung dengan populasi bukan berbahasa Cina."

Hakikatnya, masyarakat berbilang bangsa memang ada interaksi dan dikaji pada konteks harian, kehidupan, masing-masing juga ada jalingan yang baik, walaupun bukan rapat (biarpun masyarakat setiap ras, contohnya masyarakat orang Putih, bangsa Thai yang satu bahasa, satu budaya, satu bangsa, sendiri juga tak mungkin rapat macam madu, malahan demonstrasi tak henti-henti, lawan sampai mati-matian, konflik sampai tak habis-habis---manusia atau insan sama ras juga hanya akan berhubung dan interaksi umum sahaja, faktanya famili atau keluarga sesuatu ras pun tak rapat dengan ras sendirilah....)

(saksilah di kampung, di desa, di bandar, berbilang bangsa juga ada interaksi, apa bahasa yang dipakai? Bahasa Inggeris? Perancis? Sepanyol? Latin Amerika atau Rusia?

Prof jijik tanyalah sendiri...tepuk dada tanya selera...apa bahasa yang dipakai..di Semenanjung, di Sabah dan Sarawak?

Orang putih kata Malaysians speak lousy English..... nak interaksi susah....Maenglish atau malingenglish........terrible......
dahsyat sangatlah...

nak cakap Peranchis..tak bisa...nak bilang bahasa Indonesia, tak ada slang....Prof  Teo hijrah ke Indonesia pun susah nak show off minda jijiknya atau nak refleksi ampuisme tetap dipandang rendah!

Apa sih prof jijik nak berlagak-lagak...

kata Orang negara jiran:"Orang Malingsia  mana-mana pun cakap bahasa maling sahaja.....itu bahasa interaksi mereka..."

inilah fakta dan tak bisa ditolak dan dinafikan....apakah 90% kaum Tionghua tak berbahasa Melayu? 

Only idiots will say that!!

Prof Teo is an idiot!!!


sikapnya merefleksikan minda jijik....amat menjijikkan!!!

Hujah prof jijik ini amat mengaibkan, mana mungkin 90% orang Tionghua tak tahu berbahasa Melayu?? Mana logiknya?? Janganlah masukkan hujah ini kepada Rita Sim...

Jelas, prof ini yang menjadi penjahil dan otak udang dan tak masuk lapangan, maka adakah prof jijik ini juga telan bulat-bulat?

Penjahil dan pengampu macam Prof Datuk Dr Teo Kok Seong bisa mengampu dan menjadi  Kaki Ampu tapi mana ada fakta dan kajian yang menunjukkan 90% bangsa Tionghua tak bisa berbahasa Melayu.....

Semua murid di SJKC, atau di SMK, SMJK atau SMPC itu buta hurufkah? Mereka semua terkandas dalam PMR, SPMkah?

Di Pasar, di tamu, di pasaraya, di kedai...semasa membeli tiket, naik teksi/bas...apa bahasa yang dibilang.....

bahasa English Imperaial atau bahasa Ratu Britainkah? Boleh bilangkah...ada standard itukah....nak bilang inggeris orang Britainkah......

kalau orang Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa tak pakai bahasa melayu....apakah bahasa yang dipakai? ...bahasa UFO? Banglasia?  atau Bahasa Afrika??

nak bilang inggeris Britain tak ada slang juga...english pasar borong? atau english ayer hitam...atau english putrajaya??

malingenglish.....kaku...tak bisa difaham...antara satu sama lain....

bolehkah you dengar di mana-manapun ada orang malaysia cakap bahasa Inggeriskah.........??

pergi ke mana-mana......bhs yang dipakai utk interaksi harian adalah bhs Melayu bukan malingenglish....lah....

Mana mungkin tak pakai bhs malaysia utk berhubung, berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi????

Prof Datuk Dr Teo Kok Seong yang berbenak  jahil sebenarnya jelas menunjukkan beliau adalah tak akademik dan juga langsung tak kritikal, tak logik langsung!

Ini juga jelas terpapar dan memperlihatkan betapa bodoh dan jahil prof dari UKM ini.

Amat menjijikan menyaksi kejijikan kata-kata daripada seorang prof yang langsung tak membuat kajian dan masuk lapangan.

Prof jijik yang mengeluarkan kata-kata yang amat menjijikkan!

Termasuklah akhbar sampah sarap--Berita Harian / Berita Tipuan yang terkenal dengan Berita Helah!

The 2 gabages fock together! 

Birds of the same feather fock together? 


shame, shame, shame!!! 


Di bawah ada sebahagian pandangan Rita Sim--bukan apa yang dibilang oleh prof jijik....


..they  stands firmly by the Federal Constitution, which allows Chinese and Indian communities the right to mother tongue education, Sim says.

No hindrance to unity

While Chinese schools have been blamed as the cause of disunity in Malaysia by certain sectors, Sim disagrees.

“Today, I don't see Chinese schools as a hindrance to integration because even in Chinese schools you have to learn Bahasa Malaysia. It is a compulsory (subject). And if you go out today, more than 90% of the Chinese in the country are able to communicate in Bahasa, so there is no communication problem.”

Sim strongly believes it is time to acknowledge the role the G1 play in the country's social and economic development.

Proficiency in Chinese is an advantage in the world now, especially if you want to do business in China, she points out.

This is true, and even the BBC has recently reported that Malaysians have an advantage in China because of our multilingual education.

“How many people can speak Mandarin, multiple Chinese dialects, Malay and English?” Lim Cheah Chooi from engineering firm Unimech Group Berhad, which has production factories in China, was quoted by the BBC.

Sim concurs, adding that Malaysians are also able to venture into the Indonesian market because of their fluency in Malay and they can go to the United States and Europe too because of their knowledge of English.

Malaysia is unique in the sense that we have parallel education systems vernacular schools, national schools, and private schools, stresses Sim.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Inside Story

Thailand: On the edge of a political crisis?

As thousands rally against the prime minister, we ask if the country is entering a new chapter of political instability.

Last updated: 27 Nov 2013 12:28
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Thai opposition protesters are intensifying pressure on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to step down. They have laid siege to government ministries and state buildings in the biggest street demonstrations since 2010 when more than 90 people were killed in a military crackdown. The prime minister is also facing a vote of no confidence from members of parliament.
In the parliament ... it is almost impossible to undo the government and therefore the street protests have been used these days and ... in the past few years ... to try to influence the public on ideas of how to bring down the government. And therefore because ... the conflict is so deep and the balance of power on both sides is almost equal ... this is [why] you are seeing a display of this conflict spilling out from the politics in parliament onto the streets.
Kriengsak Chareonwongsak, a senior fellow at Harvard University
She is the sister of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who has been living in exile since being convicted of corruption. Protesters argue he is still effectively running the country, and using his sister as a puppet prime minister.
Tens of thousands of protesters have filled the streets of Bangkok and Yingluck Shinawatra has used an emergency law to tighten security in the capital, but says the government will not use force against demonstrators.
She also defended her leadership, saying: "I insist that there is only one cabinet, with me as the prime minister. There are some accusations that I lack independence, and that I lack intelligence, and have to be controlled by pushing a button. I have to say, have I not been independent in the past two years that I administered the country as the head of the government, which all of you may have learned while we went through all those crises."
Thailand has been hit by years of political unrest, with protests against whoever has been in power.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was overthrown in a military coup in September 2006 while he was out of the country. His Thai Rak Thai party was banned, but in December 2007, a reincarnation of that party, the People Power Party, won the most votes in a general election

Thaksin was charged with corruption in August 2008, and fled the country for London. He was later sentenced to two years in jail in his absence.

The year 2008 saw three prime ministers in three months, which led to yet more protests.

The worst lasted from March to May in 2010, when soldiers eventually broke up the crowds of Thaksin supporters wearing their trademark red shirts.

The pro-Thaksin Pheu Thai party won a landslide victory in elections the following year and Thaksin's sister, Yingluck became prime minister.

This year has been tough for her. She tried unsuccessfully to change the 2007 post-coup constitution, and triggered the latest protests by trying to push through an amnesty bill that would have allowed her brother Thaksin to return to Thailand without facing jail.
Thailand's economy has also suffered this year, and there are concerns the current political crisis could hurt it still further. The economy's growth slowed to 2.7 percent in the third quarter of 2013, compared to 5.4 percent at the beginning of the year.
The government has blamed a drop in the number of cars being sold, and a slowdown in construction, and global demand for Thai products. Thailand has now cut its projected GDP growth rate for 2013 from 3.8 percent - 4.3 percent predicted in August, to just three percent, and the seemingly endless cycle of protests has prompted some analysts to suggest that Thailand is set on economic suicide.
So what is behind the long-running political conflict? What is at stake in the region? And how will Thailand's political crisis affect the country's economy?
Inside Story, with presenter Jane Dutton, is joined by guests: Kriengsak Chareonwongsak, a senior fellow at Harvard University and a former member of Parliament for the Democrat party; Rajiv Biswas, the Asia Pacific chief economist for IHS Global Insight; and Supong Limtanakool, a chairman of strategic studies at Bangkok University.
"We have been seeing a stabilisation in the last year or so but this [has] reopened a lot of old wounds. The deep political divisions are coming to the forefront, and the victim is the Thai economy ... clearly protests in Bangkok are going to be very disruptive to tourism ... What is unclear is the length of time it's going to take for this situation to stabilise ... so the risks are increasing that the protests will affect the tourism industry, [which is] about 7 percent of [the] Thai GDP; and it's happening at a time when other exports are weakening, particularly the rice export which [is] very, very important for Thailand has been badly affected by the government subsidy programme."
Rajiv Biswas, the Asia Pacific chief economist for IHS Global Insight