Thursday, June 30, 2011


WTI 原油

$94.76 ▼0.66 0.69%


RON 97 为何还没有落价呢????


RON 97。。。。还没有落价。。。。拖拖下。。。难道,又不用落价了。。。。。???






台湾。。。应该加速电动汽车。。。。HYBRID 飞机。。。。HYBRID 直升机。。。。运输机的发展。。。。。。。学习英国在电动油站方面的设计与技术。。。。TAIWAN 的未来。。。。就是在”电动“。。。。。领先全球。。。台湾必须走得比其他国家快。。。才有希望。。。。。。


Wednesday, June 29, 2011



迄今为止,赛扎哈利撰写的政治回忆录三部曲的第一部:《人间正道》(Meliti Lautan Bergelora)和第二部:《万千梦魇》(Dalam Ribuan Mimpi Gelisah),其马来文本、华文本以及英文本已先后问世。他在这两部回忆录里,也毫不讳言地谈到自己对马共及其斗争的看法和意见。


作者/本刊林宏祥 Dec 29, 2009 01:11:38 pm
这便是关于马来亚共产党总书记陈平回马课题的最有力陈述,它出自《马来前锋报》(Utusan Melayu)前总编辑赛扎哈里(Said Zahari)之口。
“1955年,当马来亚政府在要和陈平、拉昔迈丁(Rashid Maidin)、陈田进行谈判,当时我也在场。这已经说明了我们已经承认他们是为了某一些事情而斗争的马来亚公民。另外,《1989年合艾和平协议》更是大的证据。”


作者/本刊林宏祥 Dec 30, 2009 07:18:45 pm
虽然如此,前《马来前锋报》(Utusan Melayu)总编辑赛扎哈里(Said Zahari,右图)坚决认为,陈平有权回到他的祖国马来西亚。这位报界的前辈在27岁的时候亲临现场,亲眼见证1955年华玲和谈。
“向侵略者发动战争并不是新鲜的事。从我国历史中,我们得知人民如何抵抗英国的侵略......督江谷(Tok Janggut)、巴哈曼(Bahaman)、末吉劳(Mat Kilau)之战役......都可在历史中找到。虽然未必是很庞大的战役......但一小撮一小撮对抗外来势力是肯定有的。”
“从历史角度来看,不愿受外人统治已经成为了马来领土(Tanah Melayu)子民的一种文化。因此,到了日侵时代,日本来侵略。当英国人被打败后,人民便寻求团结一致的方法以对抗日本。以前我们要驱逐英国人,现在轮到日本人掌权,我们对抗日本人。接着日本输了,英国人又卷土重来。”尽管不过为一段被简略叙述的历史,但足以让我们看到先辈们为了对抗外敌而不分种族肤色地抛头颅、洒热血。”
因此,那些在维(保)安部队(pasukan keselamatan)中服务的人,皆被视为对抗马共的殖民者警察或军人。赛扎哈里回忆说:“当一公布进入紧急状态,也就是说向马共宣战。战争便开始了。”





















赛扎哈里透露,马共的第十路军队大部分的成员是马来人,以及马来领袖如拉昔迈丁(Rashid Maidin)、阿都拉是西迪(Abdullah CD)也是马共中的重量级领袖,不过陈平比较被突显为最高领导人,以便把马共与华人连为一体。


可是,在我国从英国人的手中争取到独立之后,这种情况依然在持续着。也许陈平被标签为“暴徒”(ikon kekejaman)这件事,是赛扎哈里的心头憾事。

“陈平本身是马来土地之子.....这没错,他是马来土地之子(anak Tanah Melayu)。大部分马共的成员是马来土地之子。阿都拉西迪是马来土地之子,拉昔迈丁是马来土地之子......珊西娅法姬(Shamsiah Fakeh)不只是马来土地之子,她还是宗教中人。”












作者/本刊林宏祥 Dec 31, 2009 04:09:13 pm

一直以来,身为马共总书记的陈平独自背负历史的包袱,并受千夫所指为“不愿意缴械停战”。凡读过陈平回忆录——《我方的历史》的人或会认为,当时的新加坡总督(首席部长)大卫玛沙(大卫马绍尔,David Marshall)在华玲会谈中的挑衅态度,也许是导致这场谈判失败的(主要)因素。

当年以27岁之龄,以记者的身份在华玲现场进行采访工作的赛扎哈里(Said Zahari,右图)遂以自己的观察来分析这起历史事件。这位《马来前锋报》(Utusan Melayu)的前总编辑,在其回忆录——《人间正道》中,揭露当年埋藏在脑海中的记忆。
在第44章节中,赛扎哈里记载了当年他身为《马来前锋报》的记者,在华玲采访的经历。他当时为了获得独家新闻,而有机会在记者会开始之前向东姑阿都拉曼(Tunku Abdul Rahman)提出一道问题。
这唯一一道问题是这样的:“东姑(左图)会否因为这一次的谈判失败,而感到遗憾?”东姑当时不经思考便回答道:“不,我不,我不曾希望它成功。(No, I am not. I never wanted it to be a success.")
无论如何,东姑这简单的回答,在当时东姑身边的巫统宣传组成员赛嘉化阿巴(Syed Jaafar Albar)的“劝告”下,不得被刊登。





附:后记 在曼谷会见陈平
我第一次见到陈平是在44年前,在吉打的华玲。他当时约30岁,我约27岁。陈平冒着生命危险,跟两位左右手,高级马共领袖拉昔-迈汀和陈田,走出森林跟东姑在会谈。这场在1955年12月进行的著名“华玲和谈”却宣告失败。我以《马来前锋报》记者的身份到华玲去采访这场“和谈”(参阅《人间正道》第44章- -采访华玲和谈)。











反殖爱国人士与杰出的妇运领袖 陈 蒙 鹤



陈蒙鹤—Linda Chen


在中小学阶段,她曾在中英文学校受教育。这说明她中英语文都掌握得很好。她走在时代的尖端,决定接受挑战,在大学攻读马来语文和文学。她的荣誉学位论文是对著名回教学者及知识分子Syed Shaykh al-Hady 的研究。一直到了 1999 年,她的专题论文才由吉隆坡的马来西亚社会学研究院重印出版。

她进入大学时便参加马大社会主义俱乐部。就在这时期她遇到未来的丈夫,现在的陈成发教授。她对俱乐部的主要贡献,是协­助俱乐部首届秘书长 Philomen Oorjitham 组织泛马学联。

她也是与新加坡华校中学生联系的重要桥梁。大学毕业后,她在莱佛士女中和中正中学执教。她也是早期维护新加坡妇女权利的倡导者之一。她曾担任妇女联合会(妇联)首届主席。该会于1956年9月18日被殖民当局封闭, 她在当天未经­审讯就被扣留。


陈蒙鹤于1963年2月2日的 “冷藏行动”中第二度被扣留。 获释后,她陪同去攻读专科课程的丈夫到伦敦。1967年他们返回新加坡后,蒙鹤被说服接手管理家族生意,也就是在吉隆坡设有分行的上海书局。












我在1961年被驱逐回新加坡之后,经常跟胡森-扎希汀找陈蒙鹤替国家翻译中心(National Translation Bureau,NTB)协助翻译工作,那是我们设立的翻译公司,收入作为维持前《马来前锋报》罢工工友的生活费。









作者/来源:林友顺(15-2-2009)http: //















http: //


新加坡上海书局经理陈蒙鹤著作“早期新加坡华文报章与华人社会(1881 – 1912)”新加坡的中文版今早(2009年11月1日)在吉隆坡中华大会堂举行推介礼早期中文报刊。






过后她积极参与新加坡的“妇女行动与研究协会”(知道),妇女运动是她终生的事业。长期来,她坚持为知道的“求助电话”(帮助 – 线)义务服务。














1. 刘易阳:“ 我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但我有一颗陪你到老的心,
2. “有钱就有感情啊,男人长得帅有什么用啊,放到银行能当卡刷吗?人品好又有什么用,放到桌上能当饭吃吗?”
3. “在这个世界上只有两样东西,可以让女人感觉到幸福。一个是奥迪,第第二个就是迪奥。”
4. 刘易阳:“不怎么着,你以为四方之内皆你妈啊!谁都得惯着你!”
5. 童佳倩:“咱们这日子怎么过啊。” 刘易阳:“这不是有我的吗。” 童佳倩:“哪儿都有你啊,你是银行?你爸是李刚?”
6. 刘易阳:“细节打败爱情。 我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,我没有任何条件优越过你,我刘易 阳 我一直是在维护自己爱情的尊严,我今天才知道一个道理,什么叫失无所失。”
7. 刘易阳:“我的终身奋斗目标就是要给你童佳倩幸福,给全家人幸福,给我们的子子孙孙幸福。”
8. 刘易阳:“不以结婚为目的的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。”
9. 刘易阳:“我想给你最好的生活,我想让你的脸每天都有笑容,我不想你每天挤公交地铁,不想你逼着自己坚强。”
10. 刘易阳:“我和佳倩已经超越了爱情的这层关系了,我们现在是亲人。”








« 海贼路痴的日志 »
































人的一生, 究竟在追求什么? 这是一个没有标准答案的问题, 一千个人可能会有一千个不同的回答. 但我们应该知道成功有很多种定义, 有些人终生都在追逐名利, 他们生活得很快乐(也许), 有些人毕生都在灯红酒绿, 他们生活得也很幸福(当然); 还有更多的人在平淡充实, 日复一日的工作和生活中度过平凡的一生, 这又何尝不是一种幸福呢.

或许, 真正的成功只有一个, 就是按照自己喜欢的方式, 去度过人生.

Experts: BERSIH T-shirts NOT illegal


Experts: BERSIH T-shirts NOT illegal

The Home Minister comes in for a lot of flak for pronouncing that the wearing of BERSIH T-shirts is against the law.

PETALING JAYA: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein who said wearing yellow Bersih 2.0 T-shirts is illegal came under fire from lawyers and academics today who said he was “talking nonsense”.
Hishammuddin told the press this morning that the arrests of those wearing such T-shirts are justified as it is related to an illegal activity.

However, the experts said that he is wrong on both counts as neither the rally nor the T-shirt is illegal.

Professor Aziz Bari of Universiti Islam Antarabangsa asked which law Hishammuddin was referring to in declaring that T-shirts is illegal as there was none to his knowledge that supported the minister’s contention.

“It is too far-fetched and illogical,” he told FMT. “Since when is it an offence to wear a certain colour in public? The only provision that comes remotely close is acting indecently in public and I doubt that wearing a T-shirt is an offence. Hishammuddin is talking nonsense.”

Aziz added that Hishammuddin also needed to clarify under which law was the Bersih 2.0 rally planned for July 9 deemed an illegal gathering.

He pointed out that criminalising an activity is a parliamentary decision and not that of an individual minister or the police.

“There is no such thing as absolute power of the police,” he said. “In fact, it is illegal for the police to deny permits before the organisers submit an application. That would mean the police have pre-judged the rally, which is unfair.”

Barbaric manner

Fadiah Nadwa Fikri of Lawyers for Liberty rejected Hishammuddin’s statement outright, branding it an “abuse and misuse of power”.

“There is no such law prohibiting these T-shirts,” she said. “Furthermore, these T-shirts are not linked to an illegal activity because the Federal Constitution allows the right to peaceful assembly and the constitution is higher than any other law in this country.”

“Despite being elected into the United Nations Human Rights Council last year, Malaysia is still behaving in a barbaric manner.”

LoyarBuruk co-founder, Edmund Bon, meanwhile, pointed out that the law prohibited civilians only from wearing police and military uniform, while Article 10 of the Federal Constitution allows people the freedom to dress as they please.

“A rally is only considered illegal if it seeks to incite violence,” he added. “The intention of the Bersih rally is the complete opposite. Hishammuddin’s statement smacks of arrogance and is unacceptable.”

[Source: FMT]

supports free and fair election。。。。。。。。ALL MALAYSIANS ‘ DREAM。。。。。A MUST FOR ALL。。。BASIC RIGHT OF ALL MALAYSIANS

TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2011

SAPP supports free and fair election

KOTA KINABALU, June 27, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth strongly support the efforts of Bersih on their 8 demands which should be acknowledged and respected.
It's Youth Leader, Edward Dagul said that it is the constitutional right of every Malaysian to voice his or her opinion, irrespective of the political inclinations.

"The 8 demands by Bersih should be respected and supported and if the voice is unheard, then the natural tendency of grouping takes over. The voices of the rakyat in wanting a free and fair election should not be stifled.

In the Bersih set up, the steering committee members have continuously stated that they are apolitical. Haris Ibrahim was quoted as saying, "We say again and again, Bersih is not pro-Pakatan Rakyat.. Neither are we anti-Barisan Nasional. We are pro-reform."

Edward emphasized that the image of a stronger, independent EC would only help to boost Malaysia's standing as being a proponent to fair, transparent and just governance. The demands by Bersih are similar to the 8 points declaration by the Party especially…"that the government shall be of the people and based on Good Governance and Civil Society."

"It is common knowledge to many that the current electoral system is riddled with faults to the extent of being biased to the government. The political gerrymandering of boundaries over the years, as well as the much talked continued presence of phantom voters within the electoral list are but a few of such examples in Sabah. Therefore, the demands by the Bersih organizers are justified and their proactive approach should be commended in making the country a more respected nation.

"Many have complained of the Election's Commission bias and our own experiences in Batu Sapi as well as the recently concluded Sarawak State elections are testament to this. SAPP has made numerous reports of election offences and other irregularities with the Election Commission but unfortunately, till now, no action has been taken.
Posted by JOE at 3:17 AM

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Best4rakyat said...
TQ my most respected regards to Joe, and Edward Dagul SAPP Youth for voicing out this clear stand supporting Bersih2.0 "clean and fair election" demands to SPR.

I'm just an ordinary malaysian but definitely stand up and hold my hands firm to support the demands and JUL09 rally by Bersih2.0 specially so amaze to salute this malaysian lady, Ambiga S who is leading the rally with determination.

Our brave men should be persuaded too to give her always their ultimate support,strengthened her faith for goodness of our future malaysian whether in politics or social arena.

Come on all gentlemen and also calling SAPP women it is time and also in history whereby this brave lady need you most spiritually or physically to stand for justice and democracy.

Not like some of leaders (not acceptable as men or gentlemen)who have thought to be very political but trying their cunning and crooked tactics to stop her.Wrongly accuse her by linking with politics or foreign agents as all are nonsense.We can see with wisdom for they are not the good leaders to safeguard rakyat's right thus cannot be respect as man to lead even in family with responsibility,agree?

Once again I am calling you if yet to do so to be with us and walk us through together with
Ambiga S giving her your strong lift at best effort to show justice as said with 'guts'.Women you have not less reason than any man even the socalled leader to render your strong support in united strength to Bersih2.0 in current society.

Those talks about equal role of female participation by talk cannot be proven for their wrongful accusation of good intent.

All is non-political and trust we are there on JUL09 because we want to really behave as good citizens who care for our future and nation.No force evil force can fail us in good faith!
June 28, 2011 10:03 AM

Anonymous said...
No man is so superior or having pride by telling off a brave lady to challenge him with gut in politics.
Bersih2.0 mission is clear and we shall see the non-political change or rather a good political change for the wrongly accused by misleading men who instead shall make be behind in supporting the good course!
This is an eye opening lesson for many of us to learn between good and evil.
June 28, 2011 10:15 AM

YellowRoyalRight said...
SAPP,Joe and fellow men,
Start your walk and change anything to yellow in your webpage,facebook and twitter as symbolic to support Bersih2.0 in action now immediately!
Thank you and pass on the message.
June 29, 2011 3:25 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Friday, June 24, 2011
Haio- calm returned
Results Update

Haio has just announced its results for QE30/4/2011. Its net profit increased by 35% q-o-q to RM8.5 million while turnover increased marginally by 1% to RM58 million. The improvement was attributed to "the recovery of MLM division... (which) has been emphasizing heavily in motivation and product training programs. The trip incentive campaign has successfully attracted a wider group of lower level core distributors which had contributed higher revenue to the MLM division".

When compared to the same quarter last year, Haio's net profit was lower by 40% while turnover was similarly lower by 41%. "The drop in revenue and pre-tax profit was mainly due to lower contribution from its principal subsidiary, the multi-level marketing (“MLM”) division, which remains as one of the largest contributor to the group". This explanation for the decline in financial performance on a y-o-y basis juxtaposed against the better financial performance on a q-o-q basis is somewhat confusing, but it bring out the importance of MLM division to Haio's overall financial performance. It also reflects the sharp decline in MLM business in the past one year. A better picture is given in Chart 1 below. However, some stability has returned to Haio's MLM business but it is still too early to expect a sharp recovery.

Table: Haio's last 8 quarterly results

Chart 1: Haio's last 25 quarterly results


Haio (closed at RM2.16) is now trading at a PE of 15 times (based on last 4 quarters' EPS of 14.44 sen). At this multiple, Haio is overvalued. The only way one can justify this high PE is that the market believe that Haio can stage a dramatic recovery. Can it?

Technical Outlook

Haio broke below its intermediate term uptrend line (St-St) & long-term uptrend line(SS) in May & December 2010. Haio needs to go through a bottoming phase, which we have yet to see. Would it bottom at RM1.80-2.00 or RM1.30-1.50? We will have to wait & see.

Chart 2: Haio's weekly chart as at June 20, 2010 (Source: Tradesignum)

Chart 3: Haio's monthly chart as at June 1, 2010_log (Source: Tradesignum)


Based on overvaluation & poor technical outlook, Haio remained a stock to be avoided. However, we have noted that its financial performance has regained some measure of stability & the stock is worth close track for possible sign of recovery.


Should the price is still high...................

World spotlight for Bersih: Sister-rallies in Korea, Japan, Australia, US

Thursday, 23 June 2011 19:21

World spotlight for Bersih: Sister-rallies in Korea, Japan, Australia, US

Written by Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle
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In a move that will put the global spotlight on Malaysia and prevent Prime Minister Najib Razak's government from using unsavory means to thwart citizens, civil rights group Bersih announced that overseas rallies will be held simultaneously with its upcoming July 9 Walk for Democracy in Kuala Lumpur.

Bersih said the overseas demonstrations were initiated by Malaysians who lived abroad, who supported the demands and objectives of the Bersih 2.0 rally. The solidarity rallies will be held in Seoul, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Osaka, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.

“We regard this wide interest by the Malaysian diaspora as an indication that Malaysians from all walks of life believe in the need for electoral reform and the upholding of democracy,” the Bersih organising committee said in a statement out on Thursday.

“Malaysian citizens living abroad should rise to the occasion and demand for their right to vote via postal ballot in the upcoming 13th General Election.”

Malaysians reach out to help each other

The Bersih 2.0 or Walk for Democracy is a rally organized by 62 civil rights NGOs. It aims to hand over a memorandum to the King, demanding critical reforms ahead of snap general elections widely expected to be held soon.

The Bersih committee is made up of chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan, Andrew Khoo, K. Arumugam , Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard YW Yeoh, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Yeo Yang Poh, Zaid Kamaruddin, Dr Subramaniam Pillay and Arul Prakkash.

Bersih is also worried because in its last rally in 2007, the government unleashed a brutal police force on some 50,000 demonstrators, using tear gas and chemical-laced water canon sprays.

This year, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussien has refused to grant any permits, therby making the rally illegal. His high-handed ban sparked an immediate storm of protest.

"By refusing to issue a permit is to make it illegal. So to punish those who take part is very unfair. Why should the permit be withheld in the first place? By doing so, the government will be seen as forcing the people to take part in an illegal activity," Ramon Navaratnem, past president of Transparency International told Malaysia Chronicle.

Ethnic cleansing to death threats

The Pakatan Rakyat by led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has declared support for the rally's anti-election fraud platform. PAS president Hadi Awang has ordered all of the party's 1 million members to attend.

However, Najib's government opposes it and has roused a host of racial rights groups such as Perkasa and its chief Ibrahim Ali to scare off the crowds. Ibrahim angered his fellow countrymen by threatening ethnic cleansing against the Malaysian Chinese, warning of a reprisal of the May 13, 1969, racial riots where extremist Malay groups had kill scores of ethnic Chinese.

As in the past, the Najib administration protected Ibrahim and refused to punish him for his overtly seditious comments. On Thurday, a crudely-worded death threat was sent to the well-respected Ambiga.

That was the last straw. It galvanized Malaysia's entire civil society movement into action and Bersih to vow the rally would go on regardless of Najib's worst efforts.

A successful rally is seen as a slap in the face for Najib's leadership. In office since April 2009, he is seen as the worst premier since independence in 1957. He has resorted to a mix of racial and religious politicking used by former premier Mahathir Mohamad and launched an unprecedented wave of gutter politicking against Anwar.

From sodomy charges to a sex video scandal, the Najib regime mercilessly hounded the Opposition Leader, without realizing they had stirred deep public disgust for themselves. Critics also believe Najib and his cohorts are now seeking ways to destroy the popularity of newly-minted PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu.

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3pm Venue: Malaysian High Commission, 4-1 Hannam-dong, 140-210, Seoul

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 12.00pm Venue: Malaysian Consulate in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney (simultaneous)

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Tower of the Sun, Osaka

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia,550 South Hope Street,Suite 400, Los Angeles

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 9.30am Venue: Chrissy Field Picnic Area, Presidio, San Francisco

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia, 313 East 43rd Street, New York

Related Story: Long-overdue Chinese anger erupts: Why they must vote anyone but the BN

- Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia Chronicle appends below the 8 reforms drawn up and demanded on behalf of Malaysians by the the Bersih steering committee:

1. Clean the electoral roll
The electoral roll is marred with irregularities such as deceased persons and multiple persons registered under a single address or non-existent addresses. The electoral roll must be revised and updated to wipe out these ‘phantom voters’. The rakyat have a right to an electoral roll that is an accurate reflection of the voting population.

In the longer term, BERSIH 2.0 also calls for the EC to implement an automated voter registration system upon eligibility to reduce irregularities.

2. Reform postal ballot
The current postal ballot system must be reformed to ensure that all citizens of Malaysia are able to exercise their right to vote. Postal ballot should not only be open for all Malaysian citizens living abroad, but also for those within the country who cannot be physically present in their voting constituency on polling day. Police, military and civil servants too must vote normally like other voters if not on duty on polling day.

The postal ballot system must be transparent. Party agents should be allowed to monitor the entire process of postal voting.

3. Use of indelible ink
Indelible ink must be used in all elections. It is a simple, affordable and effective solution in preventing voter fraud. In 2007, the EC decided to implement the use of indelible ink. However, in the final days leading up to the 12th General Elections, the EC decided to withdraw the use of indelible ink citing legal reasons and rumours of sabotage.

BERSIH 2.0 demands for indelible ink to be used for all the upcoming elections. Failure to do so will lead to the inevitable conclusion that there is an intention to allow voter fraud.

4. Minimum 21 days campaign period
The EC should stipulate a campaign period of not less than 21 days. A longer campaign period would allow voters more time to gather information and deliberate on their choices. It will also allow candidates more time to disseminate information to rural areas. The first national elections in 1955 under the British Colonial Government had a campaign period of 42 days but the campaign period for 12th GE in 2008 was a mere 8 days.

5. Free and fair access to media
It is no secret that the Malaysian mainstream media fails to practice proportionate, fair and objective reporting for political parties of all divide. BERSIH 2.0 calls on the EC to press for all media agencies, especially state-funded media agencies such as Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM) and Bernama to allocate proportionate and objective coverage for all potlical parties.

6. Strengthen public institutions
Public institutions must act independently and impartially in upholding the rule of law and democracy. Public institutions such as the Judiciary, Attorney-General, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), Police and the EC must be reformed to act independently, uphold laws and protect human rights.

In particular, the EC must perform its constitutional duty to act independently and impartially so as to enjoy public confidence. The EC cannot continue to claim that they have no power to act, as the law provides for sufficient powers to institute a credible electoral system.

7. Stop corruption
Corruption is a disease that has infected every aspect of Malaysian life. BERSIH 2.0 and the rakyat demand for an end to all forms of corruption. Current efforts to eradicate corruption are mere tokens to appease public grouses. We demand that serious action is taken against ALL allegations of corruption, including vote buying.

8. Stop dirty politics
Malaysians are tired of dirty politics that has been the main feature of the Malaysian political arena. We demand for all political parties and politicians to put an end to gutter politics. As citizens and voters, we are not interested in gutter politics; we are interested in policies that affect the nation.


Last modified on Thursday, 23 June 2011 23:45
Published in Politics
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More in this category: « Kit Siang slams farcical Datuk T charges, warns will lower public confidence Refusal to probe Bala over Altantuya: Who is the govt trying to protect »
Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 12:59 posted by Ashraf
Wow! This is pedigree stuff! Or am I dreaming? It is so gratifying to hear that solidarity rallies will he held simultaneously in cities around the world on July 9th in support of Bersih. World attention is needed to knock real sense into Umno's block-heads. Man, this is only the begining, wait till you see the ending. The latest word is that several Umno leaders are rushing to visit head-shrinks as this new development is wrecking their nerves.
This brings to mind a song by Yoko and John Lenon "Power to the People!"

Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 12:27 posted by syahroni t
To my fellow Malaysians in Jakarta: JOM! Let's do our small but not insignificant part in this historic event in the making!

Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 12:05 posted by vie
if perkasa n umno going to march
then can ask the police to take care of
them from creating all the need
the police at the bersih march.
polis boleh

Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 12:00 posted by vie
invite all press people from all over the
world cos of perkasa idea.

Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 11:45 posted by John Hardick
It is change or be change. Signs of the time but UMNO lives in the past.

They have badly miscalculated and has now lost 3 years. No way back. Time for change.

Walk away peacefully, we may yet allow you to get away with it. Make life difficult for us, we will make sure you pay back our dues with compound interest.

Comment Link Friday, 24 June 2011 10:27 posted by ANGRY malaysian
I hope there'll be video coverage on all of these places, it will be a moment to remember when all Malaysians rise as one for fair and clean elections.






牙齒象徵著一個人的健康指標,英國牙科醫生調查發現,一個人的牙齒如果不健康會影響給別人的印象,看起來顯老 10 餘歲,牙齒不僅對人的外觀具有重要意義,也影響人的整體健康。台北醫學大學口腔衛生學系教授暨系主任以及XYLITOL預防牙醫研究學會常務理事蔡恒惠進一步說明,每一次進食完,口腔內都會產生細菌,如果沒有做好清潔工作,讓細菌不斷滋生,口腔問題會跟隨一輩子,因此從小就要注重口腔清潔工作。














Wednesday, June 22, 2011

PAC told to probe suspicious 1MDB profits

Obedient Wives Club-----This call for Muslim sex goddesses is a setback for Malaysia

This call for Muslim sex goddesses is a setback for Malaysia

The Obedient Wives Club in Malaysia wants married Muslim women to be harlots in bed. How is this empowering?

Nazry Bahrawi, Tuesday 21 June 2011 09.30 BST
Article history

Malaysia’s latest Islamic movement says women should be like high-class prostitutes in bed to cure sex-related social ills.

If women's liberation in Britain is brazenly expressed by marching the SlutWalk, the rage in Malaysia is to sign up for the Obedient Wives Club. Established this month, the club already has 800 members.

The founders of Malaysia's latest Islamic grassroots movement would surely chastise the SlutWalk on a rationale that goes something like this: had western societies acknowledged that man is hardwired for sex and endorsed polygamy, there could have been happy endings galore.

Jennifer Aniston would still be with Brad Pitt if she were willing to share him with Angelina Jolie. And Bill Clinton's term as US president would not have been scandalous had Hillary allowed her husband to take Monica Lewinsky as his second wife.

After all, Bill is just "being a man", says the club's founding member Rohaya Mohamad in an interview with the Malaysian Star newspaper.

The medicine graduate from the University of Wales, who is the third wife of a 45-year-old man, adds: "As a world leader, you are stressed up and one way to release your stress is by having sex."

As Muslim societies wrestle with women's rights, one would have thought such outrageous remarks would fall on deaf ears. Yet the club is expanding: it plans to open a new chapter for Malay Muslims in neighbouring Singapore soon.

Three factors underpin the club's popularity. Foremost, these women believe they are curing sex-related social ills such as rape, incest, prostitution and sex trafficking. On this lofty assumption rests a second factor. Its founders believe their aphrodisiac ways are a counter to "most women's groups", a veiled reference to western feminism, which ignore the repercussions when a wife does not sexually satisfy her husband.

Perhaps the most compelling factor is hinged on the belief that the club does God's work.

The Qur'an, they argue, is peppered with references to sex. To their detractors, another founding member Siti Maznah Mohamed Taufik has this to say: "God even promised sexual pleasure from beautiful bidadari [angels] in heaven for those who are good. So are you saying that God is sex-crazed or obscene?"

Men's natural proclivity for sex can be traced to Islam's first prophet, Adam, according to Royaha. "Eve was created because Adam had needs. Men have [sexual] needs which they can't control. And if the needs are not fulfilled, men will find another woman. God created them like that."

Combine all three factors and you get their panacea: make sex goddesses of married Muslim women to the point that they are better in bed than first-class prostitutes.

Yet these conjectures stand on shaky ground. To begin with, one can find no shortage of criminologists – even from the Muslim world – who would point out that pinning down the cause of rape, incest, prostitution and sex trafficking to the failure of a wife to slake her husband's sexual thirst is not just highly reductive but also sociologically unsound.

Surely not all rapists are sexually dissatisfied with their wives. Six seasons of Criminal Minds have suggested to me that most do it to exact revenge or to exert control.

But the founders are ignoring the rigorous debate on feminism in modern Islamic thought by theologians such as Fatima Mernissi and Asghar Ali Engineer. The latter has been instrumental in questioning the interpretation of the word qānitāt in the widely cited verse 4:34 of the Qur'an as "obedience to man" rather than "obedience to God". The verse is widely cited as testament that God wants wives to be docile.

Finally, the idea that the club offers an alternative to western feminism is more nuanced. There is a strong case to be made for multiple feminisms, as Nesrine Malik and Geraldine Brooks have argued. If Islamic feminism is to take shape, Malaysia's Obedient Wives Club doesn't offer an alternative, but a negation.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


AirAsia Bigger than MAS Bhd
Compare AirAsia and Malaysian Airline System

AirAsia 2.768mil shares X RM2.58 = RM7.44 bil
MAS Bhd 3.342mil shares X RM2.28 = RM7.62 bil

Due to price movement, there was once AirAsia larger than MAS in terms of market capitalization.

If AirAsia can secure more routes, then will continue to grow.
I have not heard of any plane crash involving AirAsia.
But I always feel AirAsia is just like a bus. Landed, then fly again. Have to rush to secure a seat. Always delay.
But people got NO CHOICE, have to take AirAsia. Even the service is bad, but few hundred dollar difference.


NOW YOU SEE THE PRICE.........(20/06/2011)







LOST PASSAGE...............................................PEOPLE NO MORE SAYING MAS IS THE BEST.....THEY WANT CHANGES.........



Can-One International Sdn Bhd ("CISB" or "Plaintiff") VS KIAN JOO CAN FACTORY BERHAD


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: KIANJOO
Date Announced: 20/06/2011

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement


Description: Re: Kuala Lumpur High Court
Suit No. 22NCC-833-2011
Can-One International Sdn Bhd ("CISB" or "Plaintiff")
- versus -
1. Dato' See Teow Chuan ("1st Defendant")
2. Dato' Anthony See Teow Guan ("2nd Defendant")
3. See Teow Koon ("3rd Defendant")
4. See Tiau Kee ("4th Defendant")
5. Kian Joo Can Factory Berhad ("KJCF" or "5th Defendant")
(collectively "Defendants")

Thursday, June 16, 2011

MUHIBAH SHOCKS----股市陷阱。。。。。。另外一个PKFZ??????????

Here's an extremely good reply to the posting: And Muhibbah Comes Crashing Down.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Muhibbah Fiasco : How Lousy Disclosure Cost Shareholders Monies
This is an extension of the discussion I have in Moolah blog post : And Muhibbah Comes Crashing Down. Since it is too long of a reply and it has attachment and stuff, I have to do it here. Do give his blog post a read.

First and foremost, this whole thing is preventable if one take a good look at the annual report. But, poor disclosure standard in Bursa as well as what I think is some non-compliance of Bursa Listing Rule by Muhibbah reduces the chance of shareholders of discovering the receivables issue. But, it is alright, I have my own fair share of stupid preventable mistakes.

Early last year, I made an investment into Choada Modern Agriculture (0682:HK) despite my brain tell me to do otherwise as there are a tad bit too many aggressive accounting practices and some dubious management actions.

However, the numbers like PE and ROAs and stuff looked a bit too good and I just drank a dose of Jim Rogers that I rationalize everything that is wrong with the company. By the middle of last year, I am starting to get a bit too uncomfortable and think the whole thing is a fraud as they have been avoiding to answer or deflecting some of the questions that I asked. So, I sell and took a 20+% loss. On hindsight, I have some really good luck as this whole Chaoda thing is being discovered a fraud by HK Next magazine this year and I would have lost my pants if I had not sold it at a loss. With the Chaoda experience, you would have think that this idiot will learn some lessons.

But, this idiot again make an ill-thought out blog post stating that I may go long on China MediaExpress without actually looking much into the company and try to rationalize too much. China MediaExpress turn out to be another fraud. I am again lucky that some kind soul actually talk me out of going long after reading my post. The key lesson learnt is to always read the footnotes, bring your brain with you when analysing companies and do not rationalize too much.

Lousy Financial Reporting Standard

That aside, back to Muhibbah. If one actually take the opportunity to read their disclosure in their annual report, one would not have face this problem. In their FY 2009 audited account, Muhibbah actually discloses this:

A trade debt of RM337.0 million (including retention sum of RM22.5 million) and an amount due from contract customer of RM28.3 million in relation to a project undertaken by the Company for the engineering, construction, installation, commissioning and completion of a bunkering facility has been outstanding for more than a year.

The project has temporarily ceased during the financial year ended 31 December 2009 due to financing difficulties encountered by the project owner. The last progress payment received by the Company was in February 2009.

The project owner has continued to approve the progress billings submitted by the Company and had acknowledged its obligations under the contract signed with the Company. The project owner has informed the Company that it is in the process of arranging an alternative source of financing and expects the arrangement to be completed by mid 2010.

The Directors have evaluated the situation and other evidence available, including the assessment of the status of the project owner’s refinancing arrangements, and are of the view that no allowance for doubtful debts or a write down in the amount due from contract customer is required at this moment.

The account is audited by KPMG and is issued at 30/4/2010. KPMG, short of qualifying the account (for those of non-accounting background: Unqualified means good, qualified means bad), actually emphasize the issue in their audit opinion in addition to the disclosure in the notes. The audit opinion, meanwhile, is something that most investors do not read although most bad stuff that the auditor do not agree with the management normally end up there.

Take note that by the time this audited account is being issued to shareholders, APH (the trade debtors) has not paid Muhibbah for more than a year. Plus, by the time the audited annual account is issued, it has reached mid 2010, the time frame that the whole financing thing supposed to be done. The fact that the opinion of the auditor remains the same means that the financing is not being completed yet.

In addition, pay attention to the management reason for not providing for any doubtful debts : APH acknowledge the obligation under contract signed by the company. It is just an acknowledgement. A normal thing.

It did not elevate Muhibbah position in the debtors packing list or provide them with any security. Just because APH acknowledge the debts, Muhibbah decide to not write down even a single cent of the thing. If say, the RM300mil debt is by different parties rather than one party, one may presumably would have write down the debt.

It is still okay if you hold on to the company at that point of time, as it is the first time the disclosure actually appeared.

But, I would not be comfortable to invest at that point and if I invest, I would be constantly bugging their IR for progress. To be fair to our super star Bursa's finest analyst at CIMB, they do touch on the issue in their 19-page initiating coverage of Muhibbah with one paragraph out of that 19 pages of crap and do not discuss the serious damage done to their equity in the event of a default but rather put a positive spin on the whole thing.

They maintain that the issue will be resolved within 1-2 months. Note, by the time that the initiating coverage is being produced, it is already in mid-November, well beyond the timeline stipulated in the audited account.

Our Bursa finest continued to report that the issue will be resolved within 1-2 months for one or two more reports until he conveniently forgotten about the issue in the subsequent buy call that he issued thereafter. Perhaps, it is 1-2 months too long.

Then, on 29/4/2011, Muhibbah issued another audited accounts, this time for FY 2010. The same crap again is being said..blah blah blah...acknowledge its obligation..blah blah blah, but this time, one sentence is being altered:

The project owner is confident that alternative arrangement can be completed in 2011, as negotiations with interested party have reached an advanced stage.

Last time, they says that it is mid-2010, now they says is in 2011. No early, mid or late, just 2011. Take note also that all this while, it is the project owner says, not Muhibbah says. Muhibbah is a good lender.

I do hope that they have a loan sharking division, if I ever end up borrowing money from loan shark, I will borrow from them.

If I delay payment for two year plus, I think any loan shark would probably chop my hand off or something. But, this Muhibbah is apparently fine with more than two years of delay in payment. No provision, not even a single cents is being provide against this possible default.

If you are a shareholder, if you saw this together with the sudden disappearance of reassuring words from our Bursa finest analyst on the issue, you should just sell. If you didn't, that is really padan muka.

The reason that shareholders may not have paid much attention to the issue may be due to something that I just found out today about our financial reporting. Apparently, in the audited accounts released by Malaysian listed company, there is no need for companies to report their account receivable ageing analysis.

Initially, I thought it was Muhibbah that purposely do not disclose only to found out that other listed companies in Malaysia do not disclose their accounts receivable ageing. No wonder there are so many receivables-related blow up in Malaysia.

Listed companies in SGX, HKEX ,even Indonesia and I believe the Philippines have to disclose their receivables ageing like this picture:

This sort of easy to read disclosure would certainly make shareholders pay attention to the RM337 million that pop up at the past due for more than 2 years column.

Apparently, in Malaysia, we do not need to produce such disclosure. If the situation is very serious like Muhibbah case, we are flooded with a long chunk of text that regular, non-accounting background investor, may be too intimidated to even read it.

If situation is serious, but not that serious, we may not even have a disclosure. You would have thought that, with so many receivables-related blow up in our country, those overpaid and useless buggers at our accounting standard board would adopt the best practices of their regional neighbours like Indonesia, but, instead, they are busy convincing the press that they should not be blame for any sort of fraud. Rather, the management should be blame, they say.

It is like Polis Raja Di Malaysia attributing their inability to catch any thief by blaming the thief for stealing.

It is the thief's job to steal, it is also the job of some questionable management to steal from shareholders. Sometimes, it makes you wonder why we need this sort of useless auditors.

The Change in Auditor

Another interesting point is that, Muhibbah actually change their auditors. They downgrade from a big 4 auditor- KPMG to a tier-two auditing firm Crowe Horwath. If a company upgrade their auditors, from a tier-two firm to a big 4, it is usually fine. But, if they downgrade, you need to pay attention.

It could be that KPMG is too afraid to sign the accounts because the receivables size is too bloody big, so, they drop Muhibbah as a client. Sometimes, companies will give you crappy explanation like the big 4 is overcharging them, so, they drop them to save shareholder money.

Most of the time, this is not the case. If Big 4 do not like the risk of auditing your accounts, they will purposely inflate the auditing cost to a price that you could not afford, a decent way for the Big 4 to tell you that, "we do not want to audit your company, it is too risky".

As there are 4 big 4 auditors out there, it is impossible for them to raise the prices too high as there is always competition. When high prices is being used as a reason for switching auditors, you should be careful.

That is the case if a company provide any explanation for changing auditors. In Muhibbah case, they did not even tell you that they change their auditors! This lack of disclosure by Muhibbah, I believed, have contravene our Bursa Listing Rule Chapter 12 Rule 1201.1(3) :

Each Participating Organisation shall notify the Exchange, in writing, of any change to -
(a) the date of its financial year end; and
(b) the name of the statutory auditor who will furnish the Annual Report

Since the wording is "name of auditor", rather than "auditor", I am not sure whether any rules is broken. But, if there is no rules being broken, then, our Bursa Listing Rule have another grey areas that need to be plugged. Most, if not all, regional exchanges discloses their change of auditors.

Muhibbah also changes their company secretary, someone who should be responsible for all this disclosure stuff. Did Muhibbah purposely replaces an experience company secretary to a not-so-experience one? Lol, I don't know.

The Non-Disclosure and Management Selling Stocks Like Nothing Have Happened

Another point that troubled me is that, according to the CIMB report, the receiver on APH is being appointed in May.

So, it is already one month.

You would think that, when a customer enter into receivership, it is almost close to bankruptcy.

Since Muhibbah have so much uncollected receivables from APH, it is their duty to disclose this. But, they seems to think that it is business as usual, nothing have really happened.

It took a report from Business Times Singapore to brought our attention to that matter. Till now, still no news from Muhibbah.

It is really nothing have happened?

Well, at least something is happening. As highlighted by Moolah, the management is selling off their stock more frequently within this month than any other month in the year.

Here's the snapshot from Bursa website:

Don't you think the timing is a bit suspicious?

In a more litigious society like the US, these buggers may get sued from the shareholders.

But, in Malaysia, shareholders law suit are way too costly to bring these buggers to court. Even if these buggers are brought to court, you may not know whether the judicial system is clean enough to give a fair hearing.

So how? Shareholders just lost 20% in a day and those folks at CIMB still call it a buy even though, if there is a real default, as they are unsecured creditors, they may take a huge hit in their equity.

BTW, the CIMB analyst, I think he should learn some accounting, I think he mixed up asset and liability. He said that this whole crap will not affect his valuation because it had been provided it in the liabilities.

I think he did not understand what is asset and liability. When people owe you something, it is a liability according to this analyst. By the same reasoning, Greece would be the richest country in the world.

I look at his valuation, he did not provide for impairment either in his valuation, it makes you wonder where he come up with that crap.

When I was younger, some old man tells me that SC and Bursa have very stringent ruling. But, as time goes on, I could not help but feel that our regulation is actually much shitter than those of Indonesia and the Philippines.

Come to think of it, that old man is a MLM fella, he may try to convince me that Bursa has stringent ruling and that his company is listed means his MLM company is good.

It is probably the reverse case, Bursa sucks and his company sucks too. Just another day in the very uneven playing field called Bursa Malaysia....haiz..

P.S.: I just realised that the CIMB analyst that I always make fun of in this blog is the same not all their analysts are funny like that guy.

Shareholders of Muhibbah, if you have not sold your shares, meanwhile, should pray for another government bailout of APH.


Many thanks for the posting. As mentioned to Mun Wai , my last look at Muhibbah was back in 2009.

Muhibbah had been a nice stock for me back in 2006 to 2007. Made some. :)

But back in 2009, things changed and my perception of the stock turned negative. The first warning came back in Feb 2009: Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2008.

It made some huge loss which was rather unexpected and Muhibbah said the following in its earnings notes.

The Group achieved a consolidated revenue of RM804.0 million for the quarter under review as compared toRM488.8 million consolidated revenue in the last quarter, representing a 64% increase.
The consolidated loss before tax for the Group is RM26.4 million for the current quarter under review.

The loss is mainly due to the revision made for revenue and estimated costs on prudence basis for the construction division in view of the challenging economy condition resulted from high oil price, escalated construction material cost and volatility in foreign exchange rates during the period.

I wasn't impressed at all.

Sales increased substantially. A 64% increase was too damn impressive. However, how and why they posted loss was a big no-no for me.

And it was the year 2009.

And the biggest warning came from its receivables. ( Yeah, the good old receivables indicator)

Receivables stated at the end of the quarter showed 738.662 million. The previous quarter ( Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/9/2008 ) , the receivables was only some 546.775 million. Ok, it was not a 100% get out warning but it was rather dodgy for me.

The following quarter, in May, Muhibbah reverted back to profits - it earned some 14 million, however, I was not convinced and in Nov 2009, Muhibbah reported losses again. Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/9/2009. Receivables had now soared to some 841 million.

On Feb 2010, Muhibbah continued to post losses. Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2009. Receivables now stood at 941 million.


That was more than being dodgy.

It's rather scary. Just way too scary for me. And that was the last I watched Muhibbah.

Now remember, my first warning came in Feb 2009.

Look at the following Muhibbah chart from Jan 2009 to Feb 2010.

See the incredible run from March 2009? Muhibbah had a low of 0.645 sen then. That run peaked around 1.66+.


The company's fundamentals worsen but the stock soared as if it was on a misson to the moon.


Cows don't jump over the moon, do they?

That was what I thought and yes, I have not seen Muhibbah books since Feb 2010.

ps: Here's the nice big chart of Muhibbah - note the price is already adjusted for its split cum bonus issue back in 2007.

Posted by Moolah at 6:17 AM

Labels: Muhibbah


snowball said...
Hi Moolah,

Thanks for highlighting :-)

7:44 AM
Moolah said...
snowball: No.. thank you. :)

Anyway, I have edited and add in some comments below your posting.

8:53 AM
The Contrarian said...
well said, where are consistency in standards of reporting i question!! anyways if aged debtors analysis is compulsory you'll probably not invest in MANY Gov linked Entities :X how to raise capital like that !!

9:38 AM
The Contrarian said...
MALAYSIA boleh Muhibbah Selalu


Thursday, June 16, 2011
Muhibah- feel the wrath of a hungry bear!

What happened in Muhibah today is depressing. You have an upside breakout which was swiftly followed by a selldown. This is not the exception.

We have seen quite a number of such bull trap sprung on traders in the past few weeks. Be careful out there. With each passing day, one feels the wrath of a hungry bear breathing down your neck.

Back to Muhibah- we can expect support at the medium-term uptrend line at RM1.55-1.60 and the 100-day SMA line at RM1.60 (so soon!!!). Overhead resistance at horizontal line of RM1.65 & then RM1.75. Since the play is over, we should aim to sell into this rebound. Aim for RM1.75 or near to it.

Chart: Muhibah's 30-min chart as at June 16, 2011_12.00pm (Source: Quickcharts)

Note: The drop in Muhibah is attributable to the downgrading of this stock by a few research houses. One of them is Kenanga, which posited:

News reported that CIMB Bank is pulling out the financing for APH. This could lead the potential write off for Muhibbah amount due from APH amounted up to RM370m as per audited account 2010. Based on the report, to date APH has drawn down up to RM840m loan from the RM1.4b bridging loan facility by CIMB, which secured in 2006.

At present, APH’s main shareholders are KIC Sdn Bhd (40%), PTP Sdn Bhd (35%) and Trek Perintis Sdn Bhd (15%). We view this news as negative to Muhibbah in the short-term.

As such, we downgrade our call from BUY to HOLD (due to the uncertainties) but maintain our Target Price of RM2.24, as we keep our forecast unchanged at this juncture, pending for further clarification on the issue.

Posted by Alex Lu at 6/16/2011 12:03:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Hi Alex
Could the recent gap be sn exhaustion gap?
Thursday, June 16, 2011 2:49:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
Hi AlwaysWin

What recent gap? How recent?
Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:45:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Hi Alex
On 10jun there was a gap up with volume
Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:16:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:29:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
Hi AlwaysWin,

There was a gap on June 10. It could be interpreted as a breakaway gap or an exhaustion gap. Normally, a gap would provide some support on a re-test. This one totally collapsed today. We can only say that it was an exhaustion gap.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:36:00 PM
din said...
gua beli 1.72 cut loss 1.42..rugi 4k plus...
Thursday, June 16, 2011 7:19:00 PM
primepeng said...
I seldom see this kind of fall in a single day. like may seven crash

I got out of it at RM1.70 from RM1.80 purchased price after hearing weird thing happening that morning. I believe it might still go back up to RM1.9 giving it some time to adjust.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:24:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
Hi din

Sorry to hear about your loss.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:27:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
Hi primepeng

I agree. It was very sudden & extreme. I can imagine everyone rushing out to sell - from the new buyers as well as the 'older' shareholders. This created a vacuum where the share just plummeted. A very ugly scene!

Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:33:00 PM
ben said...
Alex, you did no wrong. For all fellow investors, Alex is giving is opinion. No one is point a gun to your head to trade on the shares he covers. If there is free $$ to be earned do you think people will still be working at their 9 to 5 jobs and facing the crappy jams in KL?
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:36:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Anyone who trades via TA would have agreed your reading on Muhibah was a correct one.
The price did move out from 1.78 to 1.91. I had wanted to trade on the gap up, the thing that held me back was the weak US market(which you did warned us on 02jun11)
Hence you pointed out to us the probability of a trade, and the choice was 100% our own.
I am pointing this out before that Ass... Samgoss gloat about this ...
Alex , keep up the good work... You are good in what you are doing.
We need more people like you...
Thank you
Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:49:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Every who trades should know that there is no perfect trade. We do not know what news is coming out tomorrow. If we do then we do not need fundamentals and TA at all.
If we had been watching the trade maybe the gap down at open with Muhibah in oversold area should have prompted us to be careful.

As usual it is the greed factor that kept one in the trade.
Alex, do you think this will impact CIMB in a way, cos they do some financing for APH
Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:01:00 PM
Simon Low said...
Hi Alex,

I would like to ask whether is it worth to continue to keep the muhibbah share in hand or sell it out since the impact of yesterday APH's news was quite "dangerous"
Friday, June 17, 2011 8:33:00 AM
Alex Lu said...
Hi Simon Low

Many may have gotten into Muhibah as a trade. While cutting loss is the proper thing to do, most people may not notice the plunge until much later.

For these people, I would recommend that you hold for a period of 4-5 weeks in order to allow the share to recover some of its losses before you make your exit (which will probably be at a loss). To exit at the present depressed prices is not sensible as the worst case scenario has already happened. Everyone who is holding this stock was thinking of selling yesterday & will probably think the same today & next week. After the selling has subsided, the price should recover somewhat & then you may exit.

Friday, June 17, 2011 10:08:00 AM
David said...
Muhibah is coming back to life!
Friday, June 17, 2011 10:35:00 AM
din said...
apa mahu buat saya sudah banyak takut,1 hari sudah rugi banyak..kalau tunggu beberapa hari tak rugi ini macam.
kadang kadang panic bikin orang takut.
saya takut dulu sudah kena sama scomi,ingat ini pun sama.
4k plus ...
Friday, June 17, 2011 11:05:00 AM


hursday, June 16, 2011
Muhibah- further thoughts on a trade that went wrong
Looking at Muhibah's detailed Financial Statements for QE31/3/2011, I must admit that there is two glaring items that I have overlooked- the Receivables of RM903.6 million & the Amount Owing by Contract Customers of RM386.6 million. If the latter is offset against the Amount Due to Contract Customers of RM256.6 million, then the total sum owing by Debtors and Contract Customers would be RM1.034 billion. Compared that with the turnover for QE31/3/2011 of RM394.3 million, Muhibah's Debtors' Collection Period is about 239 days. That's a serious problem.

If 20% of the above amount were to turn bad, the loss would be RM207 million. That would reduce Muhibah's Shareholders' Funds to RM372 million and push up its Debts to Equity ratio to 1.2 times. Based on the research note from Kenanga, it seems that the amount to be written off from one customer, APH is about RM370 million. As a result, Muhibah's Shareholders' Funds would be reduced to RM209 million and its Debts to Equity ratio pushed up to 2.1 times. If I paid more attention to these two items, I would not have posted on Muhibah. However, I wish to point out that my post did not end with an unqualified recommendation to buy. To wit:
Although trading at a high PE multiple & having a relatively weak financial position, Muhibah is a stock worth tracking. Its financial performance has improved steadily over the past 4 quarters. More improvement is likely given the activity in the construction and O&G sectors. The main selling point of this stock is the improvement in the technical outlook. The stock is almost at the point of starting its next upleg.

Nevertheless, I would like to apologize for anyone who has gone into this trade because of the post, especially since I failed to highlight the severe Debtors' Collection problem experienced by Muhibah.
Posted by Alex Lu at 6/16/2011 02:38:00 PM
Pulasan said...
muhibah can't be that bad! What about the big order book?
all analysts should close shop
Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:48:00 PM
Buyer said...

You are nice guy!
No worry, no one are perfect.

No one can guarantee 100% win even buffet!!

Thanks for all the thought

Thursday, June 16, 2011 6:06:00 PM
Jimmy said...
Please ignore all the negative comment from those troublemaker. I enjoy reading your post everyday.

"No one force him to read, why he want to read when he don't like to. He should directly go and buy his own stock. Why he still come here read?"

I am glad he admit Alex is an analyst!
Thursday, June 16, 2011 6:18:00 PM
Nick said...
Hi Alex,

Good analysis, Thanks
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:28:00 PM
Alex Lu said...
To Buyer & Jimmy,

Thank you for your kind words. This reminds me of the old saying: Success has many fathers while failure is an orphan.

To Pulasan,

What more can I say...
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:37:00 PM
malira_zainal said...
I'm new to yr blog. Being in the market for more than 27 years, having experience the up & down of the market yr writing is really interesting to follows.
The main point in the market is to make money be it analytical or otherwise.Never blame anyone for the decision made.I pickup the stock tdy even before I came across yr blog and looks like I'm going to lose if I were to contra. But for long term might be different.
Keep up yr frank comment don't bother others might feel or says.
Thanks. zein
Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:16:00 PM
luckystock2 said...
Hi Alex ,
What do you think about HSL and KKB? This 2 Sarawak companies seem having well run business and strong financial position but the share price just can't go up anymore.
Tx for ur precious opinion!
Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:06:00 PM
spot4value said...
I salute u sifu Alex, not many willing to admit their mistake when they r wrong, but you r an exception, keep up the good work!

It's very hard to find someone who r all rounded nowsaday, who can read both TA and FA.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:13:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Hi Alex
Like I said before, there is no perfect trade. We do not know what news is coming out tomorrow.
Your analysis on Muhibah was correct and the first rule we must acknowledge is to put a stop loss on any trade we make.
You have done the first step of highlighting a probable trade for us. To buy or not to buy is purely our own decision.
Thanks Alex. Keep up the good work.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:58:00 PM
AlwaysWin said...
Hi Alex
I notice you are rather prompt in your replies. This blog takes up a lot of your time ya?... very kind of you ..
Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:59:00 PM
Richard Chin said...
Hi Alex,

I am proud of you being honest to your readers and have bravely admitted the overlooking.

Good job! Thumbs up for you!
Friday, June 17, 2011 2:32:00 AM
Ivan said...
Hi Alex,

I salute you!

Your blog is updated most of the time, on average 1 article/ day. It come FREE!

And yet, I believe thus blogger who follow your call is the decision maker for our trading/investment call. We should not blame anyone.

Good job, Alex
Friday, June 17, 2011 9:55:00 AM
Sharinginfoz said...
muhibbah's share (trading halt for one hour) until 11.39a.m, Muhibbah confident of receiving receivables.


Muhibbah Engineering Bhd has been rocked by reports that it will be forced to write down as much as RM300 million due to its involvement in the Asia Petroleum Hub (APH) project in Johor.

The stock yesterday fell 38 sen sen to RM1.52 a share, while its subsidiary, Favelle Favco Bhd, also slumped on the negative buzz surrounding its parent. Favelle Favco shares shed 19 sen to RM1.61 a share.

CIMB Research, in an early morning report yesterday, said that such a writedown will mean that Muhibbah will suffer a loss in the current financial year.

Muhibbah was awarded a contract worth RM820 million to undertake marine piling and jetty works for APH. However, escalation of cost due to APH funding issues led to the stalling of payments due to Muhibbah.

"The unpaid amount has accumulated to RM300 million, which does not include RM187 million worth of outstanding works as at end-2010.

"Muhibbah has not made any provisions for the project as the project is still deemed viable," CIMB analyst Sharizan Rosely wrote in the report.

"The worst-case scenario for Muhibbah is a writedown of the RM300 million due from APH, which would push Muhibbah into losses for 2011," Sharizan added.

On Wednesday, the Singapore Business Times reported that APH, the developer and operator of the APH oil terminal in Johor, has been placed under receivership.

The company had in 2006 secured a RM1.4 billion three-year bridging loan but has been looking for RM2 billion in additional funding following the escalation of the project cost.

APH's main shareholders are KIC Sdn Bhd with a 40 per cent stake, PTP Sdn Bhd with a 35 per cent stake and Trek Perintis Sdn Bhd with a 15 per cent stake.

The CIMB report, citing sources, said that as at end-2010, APH's cumulative capital expenditure amounted to slightly over RM1.4 billion while the physical completion of the project was about 64 per cent.

It is understood that APH has been put under receivership mainly because it could not come up with other investors to help fund the development and repay its debt.

It is further understood that APH has been placed under a receiver, namely the accounting firm BBDO-Binder.

Meanwhile, Kenanga Research said the potential losses could lead the company into PN17 status as the severe losses would erode its shareholders fund by more than 75 per cent. "We believe this is less likely to be the case as the company may not need to write down the full amount of RM370 million," the research house said.

According to Kenanga, assuming the full provision for APH is at RM370 million, this will bring down its forecast for Muhibbah from a net profit of RM64 million to net loss of RM306 million for the financial year ending December 31 2011.

Read more: Muhibbah, Favelle Favco shares slip on APH project



Another PKFZ in the making ...

Asia Petroleum Hub, Johor

The Malaysian Insider, here, has quoted a Singapore The Straits Times (TST) report today that a worsening ownership battle for a planned Malaysian bunkering facility on a reclaimed island in Johor (photo) to rival Singapore’s is threatening to derail the project and could hurt CIMB, one of the country’s largest commercial banks.

It appears that the project leader, a little-known private company called KIC Oil and Gas, has so far drawn down nearly half of its RM1.4 billion financing facility from CIMB to fund construction work. But it has failed to resolve problems with another key shareholder of the project, Seaport Terminal, which owns both the Johor ports of Pasir Gudang and Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). This has prompted CIMB to consider suspending further funding for the construction.

Questions are now being raised over the viability of the project because the government has decided to hold back on its pledge to put in place the necessary infrastructure, valued at roughly RM350 million for roadworks and other utilities, until the shareholder row is resolved.

KIC insists that it is the rightful developer of the planned petroleum hub after it won rights to lease the island in July 2005 from the Ministry of Transport, but Seaport is disputing the award on grounds that the MoT's move to lease the 40ha reclaimed island to KIC violates an earlier privatisation agreement the company had with the government.

TST has also reported that in a bid to resolve the stalemate, the Malaysian government has decided to dictate the shareholding structure for Asia Petroleum Hub (APH), the company which was awarded rights to build and operate the bunkering facility.

Under the plan, KIC was awarded a 40 per cent interest in the project, while Seaport Terminal was given a 35 per cent shareholding. The remaining 25 per cent in APH was split between two other entities. All four parties have yet to sign a shareholders’ agreement but KIC has led construction work for the project with funding from CIMB. Who is behind MoT's decision to award rights to lease the reclaimed island to KIC and why the funding was released before the ownership problems are resolved remains unclear.

Its crystal clear to me, old bean.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to happen to CIMB. It belongs to the little brother of you know who and besides it wont be the first time the gomen has bailed out this bank.

Like you said: greed to the fore!

9 February 2009 05:50:00 GMT+08:00
nightcaller said...
Captain, Thks for the highlight. Being a nincompoup in marine works, i am just wondering out loud why PTP/Pasir Gudang did not have its own bunkering facilities which will be more viable and feasible as compared to the construction of Asia Petroleum hub. Is Seaport losing its political clout?

Which also leads to another question. It was widely circulated that the higher Malaysian marine fuel price prompts the vessels to bunker in our southerly neighbour.

Putting the pieces together, is this another "KLIA- east" project pushed through "midnight regulation"? I sincerely hope that Cap can track the APH progress as it may be another of those "scam the public" project...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

9 February 2009 08:09:00 GMT+08:00
Anonymous said...
Wow. Dies it mean CIMB will have 1.3B RM NPL coming up.

How come no cabinet decision on this?

10 February 2009 08:23:00 GMT+08:00
Zawi said...
If not for the blogs, nothing like this will be known however massive the scale is. Such fiascos will definitely bankrupt the nation. Some people will still benefit though.

11 February 2009 13:03:00 GMT+08:00
Anonymous said...
Capt there is also another one which is under the radar which is the LPK quarters along per raja muda musa.This one is worth looking at as it also has links to perak monarchy.
The whole project was suppose to be with 2 tower blocks for housing but only the shops were done.

11 February 2009 21:07:00 GMT+08:00
Kuat kencing said...
A KIC Oil & Gas affidavit filed in Singapore High Court ...

KIC's admitted using fake documents to obtain RM120M loan from Ministry of Finance, MDV

Was this the reason about their PDZ pull-out?

28 March 2009 00:21:00 GMT+08:00

Dear Reader,

This blog promotes freedom of speech and I invite fair comment. This is not a chat room and I would appreciate if you could identify yourself. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous please note that remarks that are deemed grossly inappropriate, maliciously defamatory, extremely vulgar or ad hominem attacks (against my person) will be deleted.

Thank you for visiting and commenting.



About Muhibbah ....

TO: 1 recipient
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News that its major client Asia Petroleum Hub (APH) could possibly be facing receivership. It had been reported by the Singapore Business Times that APH had been placed under receivership by CIMB Bank. APH had been placed under receivership mainly because it could not rope in other investors to help fund the development and to repay its debt. However, an industry source said that the receivership notice had yet to be served on APH.

APH is the developer and operator of the APH oil terminal in Johor. It had awarded Muhibbah the marine piling and jetty works worth rm820 million. In 2006, APH had secured a rm1.4 billion three year bridging loan bit it needed additional rm2 billion funding due to the escalation of project costs.

Market players worried that Muhibbah would not be able to receive payment for works that it has done. Sources say cost escalation in 2008 led to fund issues for APH and the stalling of payments due to Muhibbah. The unpaid amount to Muhibbah had accumulated to about rm300 million, which did not include rm187 million worth of outstanding works as at end 2010. Muhibbah had not made any provisions for the project as the project was still deemed viable.

However, industry sources noted that the APH project is a viable project and strategically important to the country, and as such is unlikely to be abandoned. The main issue was the project’s funding and control. The construction was already at a very advanced stage and only a few hundred million ringgit more is needed to complete Phase 1. As such, the move to put APH under receivership was akin to finding a new shareholder and management to move the project forward, rather than a liquidation exercise where creditors will get a haircut.

The silver lining in this (potential receivership) is the project may perhaps move forward faster under different management, and as result its creditors will finally get paid. A favourable outcome for the APH project would enhance Muhibbah’s net profit by an estimated rm12 million per annum in the form of savings from the rm300 million outstanding from APH as Muhibbah separately funded the project. The worst case scenario for Muhibbah was a writedown of the rm300 million due from APH, which would push Muhibbah into losses for Fy2011. However, it is believed that in a scenario where the receivership takes over management of APH, it may come up with a scheme to repay a large portion of the amount due to contractors, which reduces the risk of a huge writedown.

Some industry observers say while the latest development is a slight disappointment, they are not overly concerned as the group’s fundamentals are still intact, backed by the buoyant construction and oil and gas sector. Furthermore, the potential provisions would have no impact on RNAV as the amount is reflected as liabilities.

JIT News - Muhibbah ...

TO: 1 recipient
Show Details
Message body
Asia Petroleum Hub (APH), the developer and operator of the APH oil terminal in Johor, faced receivership. As one of the contractors for APH, Muhibbah was awarded the marine piling and jetty works worth RM820 million. The receivership status for the APH project was a negative surprise. However, it should not be a major concern at this juncture as APH is likely to negotiate for more time to resolve the matter and rope in a new investor. The worst-case scenario for Muhibbah is a write-down of the RM300 million due from APH, which would push Muhibbah into losses for FY11. However, there is no impact on RNAV as the amount is reflected as liabilities.








MUHIBAH 所带出的信息是:董事会有信心可以收回有关的款项。。。。。。。。。一直在玩“障眼法”。。。。。。。。








Asia Petroleum Hub (APH), the developer and operator of the APH oil terminal in Johor, faced receivership。。。。。。。。。



Asia Petroleum Hub

In May 2006, the Govenment of Malaysia has mandated the Group's subsidiary namely Asia Petroleum Hub Sdn Bhd (APH) to develop and operate a Regional Petroleum Hub and Bunkering Facility on the government's reclaimed island at Tanjung Bin, Johor.

The Hub will have a 1 million m3 storage capacity with jetties that will receive VL class vessels. The Hub, which will be operational 24 hours, will have adequate space for dedicated multiple users. It will also meet international standards in blending various petroleum products as per clients’ specifications. With the approval of the Development Order in August 2007, this Landmark IDR Project is still under construction.

On 5 July 2007, YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, officiated APH’s Commencement of Construction Works Ceremony.

Another PKFZ in the making ...

Asia Petroleum Hub, Johor

The Malaysian Insider, here, has quoted a Singapore The Straits Times (TST) report today that a worsening ownership battle for a planned Malaysian bunkering facility on a reclaimed island in Johor (photo) to rival Singapore’s is threatening to derail the project and could hurt CIMB, one of the country’s largest commercial banks.

It appears that the project leader, a little-known private company called KIC Oil and Gas, has so far drawn down nearly half of its RM1.4 billion financing facility from CIMB to fund construction work. But it has failed to resolve problems with another key shareholder of the project, Seaport Terminal, which owns both the Johor ports of Pasir Gudang and Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). This has prompted CIMB to consider suspending further funding for the construction.

Questions are now being raised over the viability of the project because the government has decided to hold back on its pledge to put in place the necessary infrastructure, valued at roughly RM350 million for roadworks and other utilities, until the shareholder row is resolved.

KIC insists that it is the rightful developer of the planned petroleum hub after it won rights to lease the island in July 2005 from the Ministry of Transport, but Seaport is disputing the award on grounds that the MoT's move to lease the 40ha reclaimed island to KIC violates an earlier privatisation agreement the company had with the government.

TST has also reported that in a bid to resolve the stalemate, the Malaysian government has decided to dictate the shareholding structure for Asia Petroleum Hub (APH), the company which was awarded rights to build and operate the bunkering facility.

Under the plan, KIC was awarded a 40 per cent interest in the project, while Seaport Terminal was given a 35 per cent shareholding. The remaining 25 per cent in APH was split between two other entities. All four parties have yet to sign a shareholders’ agreement but KIC has led construction work for the project with funding from CIMB. Who is behind MoT's decision to award rights to lease the reclaimed island to KIC and why the funding was released before the ownership problems are resolved remains unclear.

Its crystal clear to me, old bean.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to happen to CIMB. It belongs to the little brother of you know who and besides it wont be the first time the gomen has bailed out this bank.

Like you said: greed to the fore!

9 February 2009 05:50:00 GMT+08:00
nightcaller said...
Captain, Thks for the highlight. Being a nincompoup in marine works, i am just wondering out loud why PTP/Pasir Gudang did not have its own bunkering facilities which will be more viable and feasible as compared to the construction of Asia Petroleum hub. Is Seaport losing its political clout?

Which also leads to another question. It was widely circulated that the higher Malaysian marine fuel price prompts the vessels to bunker in our southerly neighbour.

Putting the pieces together, is this another "KLIA- east" project pushed through "midnight regulation"? I sincerely hope that Cap can track the APH progress as it may be another of those "scam the public" project...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

9 February 2009 08:09:00 GMT+08:00
Anonymous said...
Wow. Dies it mean CIMB will have 1.3B RM NPL coming up.

How come no cabinet decision on this?

10 February 2009 08:23:00 GMT+08:00
Zawi said...
If not for the blogs, nothing like this will be known however massive the scale is. Such fiascos will definitely bankrupt the nation. Some people will still benefit though.

11 February 2009 13:03:00 GMT+08:00
Anonymous said...
Capt there is also another one which is under the radar which is the LPK quarters along per raja muda musa.This one is worth looking at as it also has links to pera monarchy.
The whole project was suppose to be with 2 tower blocks for housing but only the shops were done.

11 February 2009 21:07:00 GMT+08:00
Kuat kencing said...
A KIC Oil & Gas affidavit filed in Singapore High Court ...

fake documents to obtain RM120M loan from Ministry of Finance???

Was this the reason about their PDZ pull-out?

28 March 2009 00:21:00 GMT+08:00

Dear Reader,

This blog promotes freedom of speech and I invite fair comment. This is not a chat room and I would appreciate if you could identify yourself. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous please note that remarks that are deemed grossly inappropriate, maliciously defamatory, extremely vulgar or ad hominem attacks (against my person) will be deleted.

Thank you for visiting and commenting.