M'sia bankrap 9 tahun lagi sekiranya BN terus memerintah
14 Jamadil Akhir 1431H.
Drs. Khalil Idham Lim
Terkejut besar dengan kenyataan dari menteri yang satu masa dulu jaga kapalterbang bila katanya Malaysia menghadapi risiko menjadi negara Greece kecuali rakyatnya menelan hakikat pahit bahawa pengurangan subsidi akan menyaksikan harga petrol, makanan, elektrik dan beberapa barang keperluan tidak dapat dielakkan.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Idris Jala, yang juga ketua pegawai eksekutif Unit Penyampaian dan Pengurusan Prestasi (PEMANDU) - sebuah badan yang ditubuhkan bagi mengurangkan bebanan subsidi negara sambil menerangkannya kepada rakyat berkata hutang negara akan meningkat 100 peratus daripada keluaran dalam negara kasar menjelang tahun 2019 jika pemberian subsidi diteruskan.
Satu kenyataan yang saya sifatkan tidak lebih dari menghalalkan tindakan BN yang akan menyusahkan rakyat. Namun tahukah Idris bahawa apa yang disubsidikan oleh kerajaan sebenarnya datang dari rakyat juga, jadi apalah salahnya subsidi ? yang jelas bagi saya negara akan bengkrap bukan kerana subsidi tetapi kerana rasuah berterusan oleh pemimpin BN sehingga wang rakyat sebenarnya banyak yang masuk poket orang politik malah lebih banyak dari subsidi yang diberikan kepada rakyat.
Bayangkan bagaimana Malaysia boleh jadi bengkrap dengan pengurusan wang dan khazanah negara seperti dibawah bila
1- Negara kehilangan hasil Minyak RM320 billion dengan penyerahan Blok L dan M kepada Brunai.
2- Sime darby rugi lebih RM1 billion
3- Komisen kapalselam kepada individu lebih RM500 juta...
4- PKFZ rugi beratus billion..
5- Pos Malaysia pun rugi lebih RM200 juta...
6- Kerajaan berbelanja RM6.89 juta setahun membayar kepada Putrajaya Holdings bagi menyewa Seri Perdana dan Seri Satria iaitu kediaman resmi PM dan TPM kita.Seri Perdana disewa pada kadar RM4.15 juta setahun ataupun RM345, 833.33 sebulan atau RM11,527.77 sehari! Manakala Seri Satria pula RM2.74 juta setahun ataupun RM228 333.33 sebulan atau RM7,611.11 sehari. Tidak lagi termasuk wang pengurusan yang juga mencecah jutaan ringgit setahun.
Anonymous says:
May 30, 2010 9:56 AM
Senarai diatas adalah beberapa pratus dari banyak lagi penyelewangan dan pembaziran wang kerajaan yang akan menbengkrapkan negara bukannya kerana subsidi.
Termasuklah bagaimana MAS yang pernah dijaga Idris rugia dan akan bengkrap bila 3 buah lukisan yang menghiasi dinding di pejabat Pengerui MAS yang bernilai RM1.5 juta dan seorang Pengurus Kanan MAS bernama Chris Andrews, seorang warga asing yang dibayar gaji RM7,525 sehari! (bersamaan hampir suku juta sebulan ataupun RM2.7 juta setahun!)
Semuga rakyat tidak termakan usaha Idris untuk memperbodohkan rakyat itu, yang penting lagi cepat BN disungkurkan lagi cepat negara kita akan tidak bengkrap. malah bukanNya sampai kena tunggu 9 tahun, bagi saya negara kita telahpun bengkrap kerana kerakusan pemimpin BN mengambil harta rakyat setiap kali mandat diberikan. BAPA JUDI NASIHAT KAT KITA JANGAN PERCAYA KAT ANWAR !!
Aku malas nak komen banyak la pasal `Bapa Judi' menasihatkan rakyat jangan percaya kepada janji Anwar. Aku tengok kat berita Awani petang tadi, Bapa Judi ni bagitau Anwar tu cuma boleh berjanji tapi belum tentu boleh laksanakan.
Maka, Bapa Judi ini pun menyebut tentang projek 16 Sept yang dulunya dicanangkan oleh Anwar. Aku tak tahu la mengapa bodoh sangat Bapa Judi ni, masakan dia tidak tahu mengapa projek 16 Sept itu gagal? Jika Anwar berbohong, mengapa berduyun-duyun MP Umno/Bn melancung ke Taiwan? Mengapa Pak Lah takut nak panggil Dewan bersidang untuk buktikan bahawa sokongan terhadap Anwar mencukupi? Dan, bukankah MP katak Zahrain pun akui projek 16 Sept memang satu perancangan Anwar dengan menyebut beberapa orang MP dari Bn yang menyokong Anwar? Kegagalannya adalah disebabkan tekanan dan takutnya geng-geng Bapa Judi ini untuk menyaksikan peralihan kuasa berlaku di Parlimen secara demokrasi bukan seperti di Perak.
Usul tidak percaya ke atas kerajaan di bawah sekutu Apco itu tidak dapat diadakan. Ertinya, plan 16 Sept tidak bohong cuma ianya tidak dapat direalisasikan akibat kebaculan puak mereka.
Lagi satu, kita mahu percayakah kepada orang yang keluarkan lesen judi ini? Dia yang beri biasiswa untuk pelajar-pelajar agama baru-baru ini dan dia jugalah yang keluarkan lesen judi. Sama seperti kambing kita makan buat gulai, daging babi kita buat sup dan ajak orang makan ramai-ramai. Orang Non Muslim makan daging kambing, dan yang puak-puak mereka pilih daging apa?
Ooopss..lupa pulak aku nak bagitahu siapa yang aku maksudkan dengan Bapa Judi yang aku sebut ni. Kalau nak tahu, korang yanyalah YB Mahfuz, dia lebih tahu
Anonymous says:
May 30, 2010 9:58 AM
Minyak akan naik! Itulah 'hadiah' istimewa sebagai menepati slogan rakyat didahulukan. Paling lewat dijangkakan penghujung tahun ini. Dalam situasi atau zaman 1Malaysia pun sudah menunjukkan suasana yang cukup gawat mampukah kerajaan Umno-BN yang ada sekarang mampu bertahan dengan kos subsidi sebagai membantu golongan pertengahan dan bawahan di negara ini?
Walaupun Perdana Menteri 1Malaysia kata, suara rakyat akan diambil kira sebelum membuat keputusan sebarang kenaikan harga minyak tetapi itu cuma cakap-cakap politik. Selama ini banyak keputusan kerajaan 1Malaysia yang menafikan hak dan suara rakyat.
Paling terbaru apakah penyerahan dua telaga minyak yang dianggarkan bernilai RM 320 bilion kepada Brunai mengambil kira suara rakyat? Begitu juga dengan penyerahan tanah KTMB di Singapura? Judi bola pula macam mana? Malah parlimen juga tidak dimaklumkan tentang semua keputusan penting yang membawa implikasi cukup besar kepada negara.
Kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Idris Jala, yang juga ketua pegawai eksekutif Unit Penyampaian dan Pengurusan Prestasi (PEMANDU) berkata dalam tempoh sembilan tahun negara ini boleh bankrap jika terus mengekalkan dasar subsidi juga tidak boleh diterima.
Ini kerana kerajaan Umno-BN membuktikan mereka mempunyai simpanan wang yang melimpah ruah seperti yang dibuktikan dalam pilihanraya kecil yang lalu. Malah kerajaan Umno-BN memiliki wang yang banyak untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Perak dan memberi 'saguhati' kepada wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat yang melompat kepada Umno-BN.
Malah pendedahan bahawa zaman Dr. Mahathir dan Pak Lah Perdana Menteri menyebabkan pembaziran ratusan bilion ringgit kepada negara ini membuktikan kerajaan Umno-BN mempunyai banyak duit.
Maka tak ada sebab dan alasan Kerajaan 1Malaysia Umno-BN hendak menaikkan harga minyak seperti jadual yang dicadangkan ini:
2011 - RM2.16
2012 - RM2.20
2013 - RM2.34
2014 - RM2.52
2015 - RM2.60
Tetapi jika kita nak merasa juga harga minyak naik maka jomlah kita pakat-pakat undi Umno-BN lagi dalam pilihanraya akan datang....
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Full MP List
26 May 10 : 1.00PM
IN mid-January 2010, The Nut Graph began reaching all 222 Members of Parliament (MP) in batches for the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project. The purpose of the project is to record the MPs' positions on key issues of democracy.
Each MP is posed six questions, three of which were selected by readers and three others pre-determined by The Nut Graph. Each MP is given two weeks to respond. They have been informed that missing the deadline will be published as "No Response". However, should MPs respond after their deadline, the "No Response" will be updated with their answers.
THE following Members of Parliament (MPs) have not replied to the six questions under the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project as of Friday, 7th May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. Their responses will be updated if and when they reply.
(Pics source: parlimen.gov.
Name: Abdul Latif Ahmad
Constituency: Mersing
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy defence minister
Party position:
Supreme council member and Mersing division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: Hou Kok Chung
Constituency: Kluang
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position:
Deputy higher education minister
Party position:
Deputy secretary-general and presidential council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: Mohd Jidin Shafee
Constituency: Setiu
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Setiu division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: Facebook – Mohd Jidin Shafee
Name: Taib Azamudden Md Taib
Constituency: Baling
Party: PAS
Years as MP:
1999-2004 (Baling)
2008-Present (Baling)
Government position: None
Party position:
Central committee member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: William @ Nyallau Anak Badak
Constituency: Lubok Antu
Party: PRS
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Supreme council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
No reply for 21 May 2010
24 May 10 : 1.04PM
By Deborah Loh
THE following Member of Parliament (MPs) has not replied to the six questions under MP Watch: Eye on Parliament as of Friday, 21 May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. His response will be updated if and when he replies.
(pic: parlimen.gov.my)
Name: Fadillah Yusof
Constituency: Petra Jaya
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
• Science, technology and innovation deputy minister
Party position:
• Youth chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
• Commonwealth Parliamentary Association member
Blog/website: http://www.p194.org/
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act, in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
How do you define your role as an elected MP? Does Parliament provide you with the necessary infrastructure and support to fulfill your role?
Would you support a Freedom of Information Act? Why or why not?
If there was one thing you could do to strengthen parliamentary democracy in Malaysia, what would it be?
Do you believe in separation of powers between the executive, Parliament and judiciary? Why or why not?
For other MP responses, see Full MP list
The Nut Graph needs your support
No replies for 5 May 2010
6 May 10 : 1.54PM
By Koh Lay Chin
THE following Members of Parliament (MPs) have not replied to the six questions under MP Watch: Eye on Parliament as of Wednesday, 5 May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. Their responses will be updated if and when they reply.
(pics source:
parlimen.gov.my)Name: Abu Seman Yusop
Constituency: Masjid Tanah
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy Home Minister
Party position:
Masjid Tanah division chief
Melaka deputy liaison chairperson
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: Facebook — Abu Seman Yusop
Name: James Dawos Mamit
Constituency: Mambong
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 1999
Government position:
Deputy Tourism Minister
Party position:
Supreme council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Vice-president of Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians Conference on Environment and Development
Blog/Website: None
Name: Joseph Entulu Anak Belaun
Constituency: Selangau
Party: PRS
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister
Party position:
Deputy president
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: None
Name: Ong Ka Chuan
Constituency: Tanjong Malim
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Religious Affairs Bureau chairperson
Special Functions Bureau chairperson
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: www.ongkachuan.net
ALOR Star Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Chor Chee Heung responds to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
Three of the questions were selected by readers and three others by The Nut Graph.
(Source: Wiki commons) Name: Chor Chee Heung
Constituency: Alor Star
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 1990
Government position: Deputy finance minister
Party position:
Alor Star division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: None
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
I would not support the total abolition of ISA in this country. Having spent some time in the Ministry of Home Affairs, I am a very strong advocate of peace and security in our country, and there are still a lot of anarchists/terrorists out there hoping to topple the civil government by all ways and means.
Of course, I do support amendments to reflect the changing times and to prevent abuse. Yes, the ISA provisions do require some changes to suit today's circumstances, including detention after scrutiny by the courts of law, etc.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
The present status of Malaysia is good enough. According to the interpretation of our constitution and highest court, Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as its official religion. Loosely it can also be called an Islamic state since Islam is its official religion.
>>>>>Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as its official religion. Loosely it can also be called an Islamic state since Islam is its official religion.
>>>>>>>>What kind of talking????????What kind of thinking????????
BUT his comrade got another opinion:
ALOR Gajah Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
Name: Fong Chan Onn
(Source: parlimen.gov.my)
Constituency: Alor Gajah
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 1990
Government position: None
Party position:
Alor Gajah division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Rights and privileges committee member
Asia-Europe Parliamentary caucus
Blog/website: http://fongchanonn.blogspot.com
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
The ISA should only be reviewed to confine the law to terrorism and religious extremism, and to cases involving those who instigate racial disharmony.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
It should be a secular state as per the provisions in our Federal Constitution.
but how about PERKASA CHAIRMAN?
PASIR Mas Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Ibrahim Ali's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(source: parlimen.gov.my)Name: Ibrahim Ali
Constituency: Pasir Mas
Party: Independent
Years as MP:
1986 - 1990 (Umno)
1990-1991 (Semangat 46)
1991 - 1995 (Umno)
2008 - (Independent)
Government position: None
Party position: None
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucuses: None
Blog/Website: None
Adakah anda menyokong pemansuhan atau kajian semula terhadap Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), terutamanya fasal yang membenarkan penahanan tanpa bicara? Kenapa dan nyatakan sebab-sebab.
Saya tidak menyokong memansuhkan ISA. Ini kerana demi keamanan negara. Undang-undang seumpama ini sudah banyak diperkenalkan di negara lain termasuklah negara maju.
ISA adalah undang-undang pencegahan dan penahanan tanpa bicara. Penahanan melalui proses mahkamah mengambil masa dan memerlukan bukti yang cukup tanpa ragu dan masa yang panjang untuk bertindak melalui bukti yang cukup. Ini akan memberi ruang kepada mereka yang hendak melakukan huru-hara dan boleh memudaratkan keamanan negara.
Jika operasi polis terdedah, ianya menjadi sukar untuk pihak keselamatan bertindak. Saya menyokong ISA setakat kajian semula dan dibuat beberapa pindaan terutama tempoh tahanan 60 hari dipendekkan dan [dari segi] layanan kepada tahanan.
Patutkah Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara Islam atau sekular? Mengapa?
Agama Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan. Elok kalau negara Malaysia menjadi negara Islam sepenuhnya apabila semua rakyat memahami kebaikan yang terdapat di dalam sebuah negara Islam termasuk orang-orang bukan Islam.
Oleh kerana masa belum tiba, eloklah negara Malaysia buat masa ini berjalan seperti sekarang yang mana Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan, dan sekular diterima mana yang sesuai.
From Sabah:
KOTA Marudu Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Dr Maximus @Johnity Ongkili responds to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(Source: parlimen.gov.my) Name: Maximus @ Johnity Ongkili
Constituency: Kota Marudu
Party: PBS
Years as MP:
1995-2004 (Bandau)
2004-present (Kota Marudu)
Government position:
Minister of science, technology and innovation
Party position:
Deputy president
Membership in parliamentary committee or caucus: None
Original deadline: 25 Feb 2010
Responses submitted: 10:03am, 3 March 2010
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act, in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
I am for a review of the ISA. The Act should be used to counter terrorism and threats to national security and not based on any political considerations.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
The constitution portrays the nation as a "secular" state, but driven by beliefs and practices as contained in other laws of the country in respect to religious and race relations.
BATANG Sadong Member of Parliament (MP) Nancy Shukri's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(source: parlimen.gov.my)Name: Nancy Shukri
Constituency: Batang Sadong
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Assistant secretary-general
Wanita secretary-general
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Women Parliamentary Caucus chairperson
Rights and privileges committee member
Labour Caucus member
Blog/Website: Facebook — Nancy Shukri
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
Yes, but I would support it once the government has a legislative replacement to encompass security matters. Now, as a politician, I understand the need to have such a provision because one will never know who is a threat to our security. It is difficult to know who is or isn't a threat until detailed investigations have been carried out. One of the best options is to detain him or her first.
Security is a delicate operation that is needed before one can really discover the crux of the matter. We have seen cases in Malaysia involving those who were hiding or renting a house in the kampung and people did not know what he [or she] was up to.
Of course along the way, there are people [who are] detained [who did] not really fall within the category of causing [a] threat to the nation. Which should we give priority to? An individual or family or the nation at large? I would want to see [a] law to replace [the] security provision first; meanwhile the present [law i.e. the ISA] should stay.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
If I am not mistaken, even till today our constitution states that Malaysia is a secular state though it unofficially regards Islam as the official religion due to the majority being Muslims. I would want to see the present status maintained.
Malaysia is one of the countries that officially allows freedom of religion in the constitution.
26 May 10 : 1.00PM
IN mid-January 2010, The Nut Graph began reaching all 222 Members of Parliament (MP) in batches for the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project. The purpose of the project is to record the MPs' positions on key issues of democracy.
Each MP is posed six questions, three of which were selected by readers and three others pre-determined by The Nut Graph. Each MP is given two weeks to respond. They have been informed that missing the deadline will be published as "No Response". However, should MPs respond after their deadline, the "No Response" will be updated with their answers.
THE following Members of Parliament (MPs) have not replied to the six questions under the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project as of Friday, 7th May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. Their responses will be updated if and when they reply.
(Pics source: parlimen.gov.
Name: Abdul Latif Ahmad
Constituency: Mersing
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy defence minister
Party position:
Supreme council member and Mersing division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: Hou Kok Chung
Constituency: Kluang
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position:
Deputy higher education minister
Party position:
Deputy secretary-general and presidential council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: Mohd Jidin Shafee
Constituency: Setiu
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Setiu division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: Facebook – Mohd Jidin Shafee
Name: Taib Azamudden Md Taib
Constituency: Baling
Party: PAS
Years as MP:
1999-2004 (Baling)
2008-Present (Baling)
Government position: None
Party position:
Central committee member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
Name: William @ Nyallau Anak Badak
Constituency: Lubok Antu
Party: PRS
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Supreme council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/website: None
No reply for 21 May 2010
24 May 10 : 1.04PM
By Deborah Loh
THE following Member of Parliament (MPs) has not replied to the six questions under MP Watch: Eye on Parliament as of Friday, 21 May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. His response will be updated if and when he replies.
(pic: parlimen.gov.my)
Name: Fadillah Yusof
Constituency: Petra Jaya
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
• Science, technology and innovation deputy minister
Party position:
• Youth chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
• Commonwealth Parliamentary Association member
Blog/website: http://www.p194.org/
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act, in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
How do you define your role as an elected MP? Does Parliament provide you with the necessary infrastructure and support to fulfill your role?
Would you support a Freedom of Information Act? Why or why not?
If there was one thing you could do to strengthen parliamentary democracy in Malaysia, what would it be?
Do you believe in separation of powers between the executive, Parliament and judiciary? Why or why not?
For other MP responses, see Full MP list
The Nut Graph needs your support
No replies for 5 May 2010
6 May 10 : 1.54PM
By Koh Lay Chin
THE following Members of Parliament (MPs) have not replied to the six questions under MP Watch: Eye on Parliament as of Wednesday, 5 May 2010, the end of a two-week deadline. Their responses will be updated if and when they reply.
(pics source:
parlimen.gov.my)Name: Abu Seman Yusop
Constituency: Masjid Tanah
Party: Umno
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy Home Minister
Party position:
Masjid Tanah division chief
Melaka deputy liaison chairperson
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: Facebook — Abu Seman Yusop
Name: James Dawos Mamit
Constituency: Mambong
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 1999
Government position:
Deputy Tourism Minister
Party position:
Supreme council member
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Vice-president of Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians Conference on Environment and Development
Blog/Website: None
Name: Joseph Entulu Anak Belaun
Constituency: Selangau
Party: PRS
Years as MP: Since 2004
Government position:
Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister
Party position:
Deputy president
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: None
Name: Ong Ka Chuan
Constituency: Tanjong Malim
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Religious Affairs Bureau chairperson
Special Functions Bureau chairperson
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: www.ongkachuan.net
ALOR Star Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Chor Chee Heung responds to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
Three of the questions were selected by readers and three others by The Nut Graph.
(Source: Wiki commons) Name: Chor Chee Heung
Constituency: Alor Star
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 1990
Government position: Deputy finance minister
Party position:
Alor Star division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus: None
Blog/Website: None
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
I would not support the total abolition of ISA in this country. Having spent some time in the Ministry of Home Affairs, I am a very strong advocate of peace and security in our country, and there are still a lot of anarchists/terrorists out there hoping to topple the civil government by all ways and means.
Of course, I do support amendments to reflect the changing times and to prevent abuse. Yes, the ISA provisions do require some changes to suit today's circumstances, including detention after scrutiny by the courts of law, etc.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
The present status of Malaysia is good enough. According to the interpretation of our constitution and highest court, Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as its official religion. Loosely it can also be called an Islamic state since Islam is its official religion.
>>>>>Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as its official religion. Loosely it can also be called an Islamic state since Islam is its official religion.
>>>>>>>>What kind of talking????????What kind of thinking????????
BUT his comrade got another opinion:
ALOR Gajah Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
Name: Fong Chan Onn
(Source: parlimen.gov.my)
Constituency: Alor Gajah
Party: MCA
Years as MP: Since 1990
Government position: None
Party position:
Alor Gajah division chief
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Rights and privileges committee member
Asia-Europe Parliamentary caucus
Blog/website: http://fongchanonn.blogspot.com
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
The ISA should only be reviewed to confine the law to terrorism and religious extremism, and to cases involving those who instigate racial disharmony.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
It should be a secular state as per the provisions in our Federal Constitution.
but how about PERKASA CHAIRMAN?
PASIR Mas Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Ibrahim Ali's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(source: parlimen.gov.my)Name: Ibrahim Ali
Constituency: Pasir Mas
Party: Independent
Years as MP:
1986 - 1990 (Umno)
1990-1991 (Semangat 46)
1991 - 1995 (Umno)
2008 - (Independent)
Government position: None
Party position: None
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucuses: None
Blog/Website: None
Adakah anda menyokong pemansuhan atau kajian semula terhadap Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), terutamanya fasal yang membenarkan penahanan tanpa bicara? Kenapa dan nyatakan sebab-sebab.
Saya tidak menyokong memansuhkan ISA. Ini kerana demi keamanan negara. Undang-undang seumpama ini sudah banyak diperkenalkan di negara lain termasuklah negara maju.
ISA adalah undang-undang pencegahan dan penahanan tanpa bicara. Penahanan melalui proses mahkamah mengambil masa dan memerlukan bukti yang cukup tanpa ragu dan masa yang panjang untuk bertindak melalui bukti yang cukup. Ini akan memberi ruang kepada mereka yang hendak melakukan huru-hara dan boleh memudaratkan keamanan negara.
Jika operasi polis terdedah, ianya menjadi sukar untuk pihak keselamatan bertindak. Saya menyokong ISA setakat kajian semula dan dibuat beberapa pindaan terutama tempoh tahanan 60 hari dipendekkan dan [dari segi] layanan kepada tahanan.
Patutkah Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara Islam atau sekular? Mengapa?
Agama Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan. Elok kalau negara Malaysia menjadi negara Islam sepenuhnya apabila semua rakyat memahami kebaikan yang terdapat di dalam sebuah negara Islam termasuk orang-orang bukan Islam.
Oleh kerana masa belum tiba, eloklah negara Malaysia buat masa ini berjalan seperti sekarang yang mana Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan, dan sekular diterima mana yang sesuai.
From Sabah:
KOTA Marudu Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Dr Maximus @Johnity Ongkili responds to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(Source: parlimen.gov.my) Name: Maximus @ Johnity Ongkili
Constituency: Kota Marudu
Party: PBS
Years as MP:
1995-2004 (Bandau)
2004-present (Kota Marudu)
Government position:
Minister of science, technology and innovation
Party position:
Deputy president
Membership in parliamentary committee or caucus: None
Original deadline: 25 Feb 2010
Responses submitted: 10:03am, 3 March 2010
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act, in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
I am for a review of the ISA. The Act should be used to counter terrorism and threats to national security and not based on any political considerations.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
The constitution portrays the nation as a "secular" state, but driven by beliefs and practices as contained in other laws of the country in respect to religious and race relations.
BATANG Sadong Member of Parliament (MP) Nancy Shukri's response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(source: parlimen.gov.my)Name: Nancy Shukri
Constituency: Batang Sadong
Party: PBB
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position:
Assistant secretary-general
Wanita secretary-general
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Women Parliamentary Caucus chairperson
Rights and privileges committee member
Labour Caucus member
Blog/Website: Facebook — Nancy Shukri
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
Yes, but I would support it once the government has a legislative replacement to encompass security matters. Now, as a politician, I understand the need to have such a provision because one will never know who is a threat to our security. It is difficult to know who is or isn't a threat until detailed investigations have been carried out. One of the best options is to detain him or her first.
Security is a delicate operation that is needed before one can really discover the crux of the matter. We have seen cases in Malaysia involving those who were hiding or renting a house in the kampung and people did not know what he [or she] was up to.
Of course along the way, there are people [who are] detained [who did] not really fall within the category of causing [a] threat to the nation. Which should we give priority to? An individual or family or the nation at large? I would want to see [a] law to replace [the] security provision first; meanwhile the present [law i.e. the ISA] should stay.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
If I am not mistaken, even till today our constitution states that Malaysia is a secular state though it unofficially regards Islam as the official religion due to the majority being Muslims. I would want to see the present status maintained.
Malaysia is one of the countries that officially allows freedom of religion in the constitution.
Fellow Malaysians, we have had enough of Umno/BN rule for over 50 years. We need to have a change and we have to give it a try!
A good write-up which points out the problem. The whole problem is the UMNOputras want to continue with their dominance in power since after they 'robbed' the power from the then 1970s Alliance!
And many in the UMNOputras current leadership who are 52 years of age and below were only 12 years old in 1970; they have literally grown up seeing UMNO being the dominant party in total management of the country.
They may not know or choose to ignore the fact how the UMNO-MCA-MIC had joined hand to negotiate with the British for independence, and the posts of Minister of Trade, Finance were once held by MCA. The non-Malay population of about 50% at that time had resulted Chinese and Tamil schools had to be included as part of the national educational main stream. Its absurd to always hearing Mahathir and other UMNO leaders keep reminding the non-Malays on they must be grateful to UMNO for allowing the Chinese and Tamil school to be funded by the government! All lie; they manipulate history!
KOH KIM THENG There is no split between East and West Malaysia. So why need 1Malaysia ? Unlike East and West Pakistan, where East Pakistan has become Bangladesh. Let our politicians read Plato's Republic and they shall understand Democracy better. Unless our politicians are also philosophers, we are unlikely to have the Good government and the Good life.
'1Malaysia' can never replace the original 'Malaysia'
Richard Loh
May 21, 10
In order for Malaysia to become fully ai independent and developed country, all Malaysians must work together towards that goal. We got our independence from the British but instead of being truly independent and allowing the citizens to govern this country, we were just handed over by the British to another tyrannical master in the form and shape of Umno.
After over 52 years of the tyrannical Umno rule, we are getting from bad to worse. You may disagree and claim that we have progressed and yes, we have progress. No doubt that what we see as in the roads and highways, super tall buildings, air shows, Formula 1 etc is progress. But this type of progress can be achieved by anyone as long as there is money and money is what we have for now.
We, however, have not progressed as a nation in terms of the people's welfare, harmony among all the races, meritocracy and equality. We are so divided among the different races. There are miles separating the rich and the poor. Billions have been lost through corruption. There is suppression of truth and a total breakdown of the rule of law.
The frequently used terms of racism, Ketuanan Melayu and religion are destroying and tearing this country apart. How many times and how much longer are all of you going to be deceived by Umno/BN in that they are still the best and most capable to run this country. On face value, they look capable but in reality, what do we see of their performance?
The newest prime minister, groomed in the ways and styles of Umno's expired methodology of governing, has came out with another slogan of '1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now' and now after nine months it is more talks and no action. We still see racism rearing its ugly head through Utusan Malaysia, Biro Tata Negara and Umno'.
The people are the last ones in mind when the prices of consumer goods keep rising while pay checks remain stagnant. What kind of 'Performance now' do we anticipate from his slogan? It does not indicate very much and we still see the police, MACC and judiciary doing the bidding of their master Umno.
Previously, a few goodies thrown out by the prime ministers was good enough to satisfy the rakyat and they were happy to return back to Umno/BN. But then after winning back the voters and triumphing in election after election, they always went back to their racist, arrogant and corrupt ways of governing.
Now after the March 8, 2008 tsunami, Umno knows that a few goodies alone are not enough to satisfy the voters.
Malaysia must remain Malaysia and whatever we do to help Malaysians, we must always maintain the country's name called 'Malaysia'. If you sincerely want to unite all Malaysians and treat all as equal, you still can use the original 'Malaysia' to get it done - why do you want to bring another unwarranted name called '1Malaysia'?
Fellow Malaysians, we have had enough of Umno/BN rule for over 50 years. We need to have a change, for better or for worse and we have to give it a try. There is nothing to be afraid of - do we fear a new government with no experience will destroy the country?
Let me take you back to 52 years ago. If the British were to think like what you are thinking, would the British have given up their rule and handed over the country to Umno which at that time did not have any experience whatsoever in governing?
And many in the UMNOputras current leadership who are 52 years of age and below were only 12 years old in 1970; they have literally grown up seeing UMNO being the dominant party in total management of the country.
They may not know or choose to ignore the fact how the UMNO-MCA-MIC had joined hand to negotiate with the British for independence, and the posts of Minister of Trade, Finance were once held by MCA. The non-Malay population of about 50% at that time had resulted Chinese and Tamil schools had to be included as part of the national educational main stream. Its absurd to always hearing Mahathir and other UMNO leaders keep reminding the non-Malays on they must be grateful to UMNO for allowing the Chinese and Tamil school to be funded by the government! All lie; they manipulate history!
KOH KIM THENG There is no split between East and West Malaysia. So why need 1Malaysia ? Unlike East and West Pakistan, where East Pakistan has become Bangladesh. Let our politicians read Plato's Republic and they shall understand Democracy better. Unless our politicians are also philosophers, we are unlikely to have the Good government and the Good life.
'1Malaysia' can never replace the original 'Malaysia'
Richard Loh
May 21, 10
In order for Malaysia to become fully ai independent and developed country, all Malaysians must work together towards that goal. We got our independence from the British but instead of being truly independent and allowing the citizens to govern this country, we were just handed over by the British to another tyrannical master in the form and shape of Umno.
After over 52 years of the tyrannical Umno rule, we are getting from bad to worse. You may disagree and claim that we have progressed and yes, we have progress. No doubt that what we see as in the roads and highways, super tall buildings, air shows, Formula 1 etc is progress. But this type of progress can be achieved by anyone as long as there is money and money is what we have for now.
We, however, have not progressed as a nation in terms of the people's welfare, harmony among all the races, meritocracy and equality. We are so divided among the different races. There are miles separating the rich and the poor. Billions have been lost through corruption. There is suppression of truth and a total breakdown of the rule of law.
The frequently used terms of racism, Ketuanan Melayu and religion are destroying and tearing this country apart. How many times and how much longer are all of you going to be deceived by Umno/BN in that they are still the best and most capable to run this country. On face value, they look capable but in reality, what do we see of their performance?
The newest prime minister, groomed in the ways and styles of Umno's expired methodology of governing, has came out with another slogan of '1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now' and now after nine months it is more talks and no action. We still see racism rearing its ugly head through Utusan Malaysia, Biro Tata Negara and Umno'.
The people are the last ones in mind when the prices of consumer goods keep rising while pay checks remain stagnant. What kind of 'Performance now' do we anticipate from his slogan? It does not indicate very much and we still see the police, MACC and judiciary doing the bidding of their master Umno.
Previously, a few goodies thrown out by the prime ministers was good enough to satisfy the rakyat and they were happy to return back to Umno/BN. But then after winning back the voters and triumphing in election after election, they always went back to their racist, arrogant and corrupt ways of governing.
Now after the March 8, 2008 tsunami, Umno knows that a few goodies alone are not enough to satisfy the voters.
Malaysia must remain Malaysia and whatever we do to help Malaysians, we must always maintain the country's name called 'Malaysia'. If you sincerely want to unite all Malaysians and treat all as equal, you still can use the original 'Malaysia' to get it done - why do you want to bring another unwarranted name called '1Malaysia'?
Fellow Malaysians, we have had enough of Umno/BN rule for over 50 years. We need to have a change, for better or for worse and we have to give it a try. There is nothing to be afraid of - do we fear a new government with no experience will destroy the country?
Let me take you back to 52 years ago. If the British were to think like what you are thinking, would the British have given up their rule and handed over the country to Umno which at that time did not have any experience whatsoever in governing?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The truth, the right to know the truth, to know everything, every action, every step!!! No hiding, no manipulation, no more musyawarah!
Pembunuhan Yang Menggemparkan Malaysia & Dunia
(Dedikasi kepada Mendiang Teoh Ben Hock, Mendiang Kugan, kini Allahyarham Aminulrasyid Amzah yang 15 tahun……., dan mereka yang sudah dianiaya, dibelasah, didera, dibunuh secara sulit, terbuka dan di bawah pelbagai kaedah-kaedah yang berlainan yang masih tanpa diketahui ..…………. )
Seorang rakyat Malaysia yang bermastaudin di bawah jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Semasa disoalsiasat
Tidak kira apa jua keadaan dan situasi
Dalam perkarangan SPRM(MACC)
Dalam waktu dan keadaan yang masih ditangan SPRM(MACC)
Tidak kira apa jua situasi
Semua pegawai di ibupejabat SPRM(MACC)
Harus bertanggungjawab penuh
Tiada alasan dan dalih menolak
Tiada hujah yang boleh melarikan tanggungjawab
Tiada dalih yang membilang ABC hingga Z
Tidak kira apa jua persekitaran
Tidak kira tak tahu, tak nampak
Tak mengerti, tak kesan
Seandainya dan sudah bukti berlaku di perkarangan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti berlaku dalam tempoh soalsiasat
Sudah berlaku dalam keadaan sukspek masih di dalam kawasan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti SPRM(MACC) tidak memberitahu dan menghubungi familinya
Sudah bukti sukspek masih dalam lingkungan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti di kawasan dan di dalam tempat SPRM(MACC)
Maka SPRM(MACC) semestinya dan tiada apa sebab boleh melarikan tanggungjawab penuh
Seperti berlaku dalam rumah sipolan atau sianu
Yang membawa seorang kawanya ke rumah
Kemudian kawan itu mati di perkarangan rumah
Maka bolehkah ketua atau tuan rumah mengata dia tak tahu
Bolehkah tuan rumah kata itu bukan tanggungjawabnya
Bolehkah tuan rumah berkata dia mana tahu di mana perginya
Malahan baru-baru sahaja dia masih bermain, bercakap dan bersama dengannya
Inilah fakta, yang berlaku dalam rumahnya
Tuan rumah dan ahli keluarganya masih tetap bertanggungjawab
Maka semua pesetan (pegawai siasatan) dari A hingga Z, dari kerani hinggga yang paling berpangkat harus disoalsiasat
Untuk mencari fakta
Kematian seorang rakyat Malaysia di SPRM(MACC)
Menggemparkan seluruh Malaysia dan sedunia
Kerana kebenaran tidak dapat dituntut
Kerana keadilan dan kesaksamaan tak dapat disaksikan
Kerana kezaliman yang leluasa telah melampaui batasan
Yang amat menggemparkan seluruh Malaysia
Mengemparkan dunia
Kezaliman berturut-turut memaharajalela
Demokrasi sudah diancam
Hak asasi rakyat Malaysia sejati digugat
Rakyat sejati dan rakyat anak jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat SPRM(MACC)
Kebenaran mesti dituntut
Kebenaran mesti dicari
Kebenaran mesti dipaparkan
Kebenaran mesti dibongkar di mata nyata
Seluruh rakyat Malaysia
Di mata warga sedunia
Membuktikan kebenaran yang sebenar-benar
Mengambil langkah menghalang kezaliman berleluasa
Dilanjut lagi generasi demi generasi
Segala soalsiasat semestinya ada 1 hingga 4 orang peguam bersama
Soalsiasat tidak boleh melampaui 8 jam
Soalsiasat tidak boleh menggunakan kata ugut dan kasar, cara memukul sulit dan meragut nyawa
Tibalah masa menegakkan sistem soalsiasat yang sekian lama amat menjijik dan tak berperikemanusiaan
Menyalahgunakan kuasa laksana setan kejam yang berkuasa
Memusnah hak asasi manusia dan hak sebagai rakyat
Tibalah masa menghentikan kezaliman dan kekejaman berturut-turut
Menganiaya generasi demi generasi
Menghancurkan hak asasi anak dan cucu
Mengancam kebebasan dan demokrasi nusa tercinta
Tibalah masa menegak segala penyalahgunaan kuasa yang melampau
Yang amat menjolok mata
Langsung tidak menghormat kita semua rakyat Malaysia yang sejati
Rakyat jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Kejadian yang amat menyedih dan memilu
Rakyat Malaysia anak nusa tercinta telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Semua rakyat Malaysia menuntut kebenaran
Menuntut hak asasi rakyat Malaysia
Menuntut maruah sebagai rakyat Malaysia
Maruah anak sejati jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang juga merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Semau rakyat Malaysia ingin tahu kenapa rakyat Malaysia kita telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Kenapa dan
Di mana hak asasi dan kebebasan minimal sebagai warganegara dan rakyat Malaysia
Di mana letaknya hak demi hak
Di mana letaknya kuasa sebagai warganegara Malaysia
Di mana masa depan rakyat Malaysia
Di mana harapan generasi baru
Di mana pelindungan minimal pada anak dan cucu
Kerana semua ada anak dan cucu
Di mana hari esok semua rakyat Malaysia jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Kita inginkan pelindungan
Kita inginkan hak sebagai rakyat, sebagai insan
Hak keadilan, kesaksamaan dan hak yang mengetahui segala-galanya
(The truth, the right to know the truth, to know everything, every action, every step!!! No hiding, no manipulation, no more musyawarah that always hiding secret and cheating people, and we all want transparency, nothing but transparency!)
Kita tidak lagi menerima alasan bukan-bukan, putar-belit yang menipu dan mendusta
Kita inginkan hak asasi yang lama sudah diputar-belit
sudah diancam dan dipermainkan oleh pihak yang tak bertanggungjawab
Hak asasi yang telah hilang di negara yang tercinta
Di nusa yang amat menyayang dan mencinta seribu tahun, sejuta dan sebilion tahun!
(Dedikasi kepada Mendiang Teoh Ben Hock, Mendiang Kugan, kini Allahyarham Aminulrasyid Amzah yang 15 tahun……., dan mereka yang sudah dianiaya, dibelasah, didera, dibunuh secara sulit, terbuka dan di bawah pelbagai kaedah-kaedah yang berlainan yang masih tanpa diketahui ..…………. )
Seorang rakyat Malaysia yang bermastaudin di bawah jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Semasa disoalsiasat
Tidak kira apa jua keadaan dan situasi
Dalam perkarangan SPRM(MACC)
Dalam waktu dan keadaan yang masih ditangan SPRM(MACC)
Tidak kira apa jua situasi
Semua pegawai di ibupejabat SPRM(MACC)
Harus bertanggungjawab penuh
Tiada alasan dan dalih menolak
Tiada hujah yang boleh melarikan tanggungjawab
Tiada dalih yang membilang ABC hingga Z
Tidak kira apa jua persekitaran
Tidak kira tak tahu, tak nampak
Tak mengerti, tak kesan
Seandainya dan sudah bukti berlaku di perkarangan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti berlaku dalam tempoh soalsiasat
Sudah berlaku dalam keadaan sukspek masih di dalam kawasan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti SPRM(MACC) tidak memberitahu dan menghubungi familinya
Sudah bukti sukspek masih dalam lingkungan SPRM(MACC)
Sudah bukti di kawasan dan di dalam tempat SPRM(MACC)
Maka SPRM(MACC) semestinya dan tiada apa sebab boleh melarikan tanggungjawab penuh
Seperti berlaku dalam rumah sipolan atau sianu
Yang membawa seorang kawanya ke rumah
Kemudian kawan itu mati di perkarangan rumah
Maka bolehkah ketua atau tuan rumah mengata dia tak tahu
Bolehkah tuan rumah kata itu bukan tanggungjawabnya
Bolehkah tuan rumah berkata dia mana tahu di mana perginya
Malahan baru-baru sahaja dia masih bermain, bercakap dan bersama dengannya
Inilah fakta, yang berlaku dalam rumahnya
Tuan rumah dan ahli keluarganya masih tetap bertanggungjawab
Maka semua pesetan (pegawai siasatan) dari A hingga Z, dari kerani hinggga yang paling berpangkat harus disoalsiasat
Untuk mencari fakta
Kematian seorang rakyat Malaysia di SPRM(MACC)
Menggemparkan seluruh Malaysia dan sedunia
Kerana kebenaran tidak dapat dituntut
Kerana keadilan dan kesaksamaan tak dapat disaksikan
Kerana kezaliman yang leluasa telah melampaui batasan
Yang amat menggemparkan seluruh Malaysia
Mengemparkan dunia
Kezaliman berturut-turut memaharajalela
Demokrasi sudah diancam
Hak asasi rakyat Malaysia sejati digugat
Rakyat sejati dan rakyat anak jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat SPRM(MACC)
Kebenaran mesti dituntut
Kebenaran mesti dicari
Kebenaran mesti dipaparkan
Kebenaran mesti dibongkar di mata nyata
Seluruh rakyat Malaysia
Di mata warga sedunia
Membuktikan kebenaran yang sebenar-benar
Mengambil langkah menghalang kezaliman berleluasa
Dilanjut lagi generasi demi generasi
Segala soalsiasat semestinya ada 1 hingga 4 orang peguam bersama
Soalsiasat tidak boleh melampaui 8 jam
Soalsiasat tidak boleh menggunakan kata ugut dan kasar, cara memukul sulit dan meragut nyawa
Tibalah masa menegakkan sistem soalsiasat yang sekian lama amat menjijik dan tak berperikemanusiaan
Menyalahgunakan kuasa laksana setan kejam yang berkuasa
Memusnah hak asasi manusia dan hak sebagai rakyat
Tibalah masa menghentikan kezaliman dan kekejaman berturut-turut
Menganiaya generasi demi generasi
Menghancurkan hak asasi anak dan cucu
Mengancam kebebasan dan demokrasi nusa tercinta
Tibalah masa menegak segala penyalahgunaan kuasa yang melampau
Yang amat menjolok mata
Langsung tidak menghormat kita semua rakyat Malaysia yang sejati
Rakyat jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Kejadian yang amat menyedih dan memilu
Rakyat Malaysia anak nusa tercinta telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Semua rakyat Malaysia menuntut kebenaran
Menuntut hak asasi rakyat Malaysia
Menuntut maruah sebagai rakyat Malaysia
Maruah anak sejati jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang juga merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Semau rakyat Malaysia ingin tahu kenapa rakyat Malaysia kita telah mati tanpa sebab di ibu pejabat negeri Selangor SPRM(MACC)
Kenapa dan
Di mana hak asasi dan kebebasan minimal sebagai warganegara dan rakyat Malaysia
Di mana letaknya hak demi hak
Di mana letaknya kuasa sebagai warganegara Malaysia
Di mana masa depan rakyat Malaysia
Di mana harapan generasi baru
Di mana pelindungan minimal pada anak dan cucu
Kerana semua ada anak dan cucu
Di mana hari esok semua rakyat Malaysia jajahan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung
Yang merupakan warganegara sah di negeri tanah Selangor yang di bawah jajahan DYMM Sultan Selangor
Kita inginkan pelindungan
Kita inginkan hak sebagai rakyat, sebagai insan
Hak keadilan, kesaksamaan dan hak yang mengetahui segala-galanya
(The truth, the right to know the truth, to know everything, every action, every step!!! No hiding, no manipulation, no more musyawarah that always hiding secret and cheating people, and we all want transparency, nothing but transparency!)
Kita tidak lagi menerima alasan bukan-bukan, putar-belit yang menipu dan mendusta
Kita inginkan hak asasi yang lama sudah diputar-belit
sudah diancam dan dipermainkan oleh pihak yang tak bertanggungjawab
Hak asasi yang telah hilang di negara yang tercinta
Di nusa yang amat menyayang dan mencinta seribu tahun, sejuta dan sebilion tahun!
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