Tuesday, August 4, 2009

DATUK DR HASSAN ALI---ini bukan lagi dunia yang berbasikal dan berkereta lembu lagi, bung!"

PAS State Chief and Selangor state EXCO Datuk hassan Ali said :"We have been informed that drinking (beer) among schoolchildren and undergraduates is getting out of hand. It has come to this because Barisan Nasional did not tackle the problem earlier."

He added that Selangor PAS was pushing for a blanket ban on the sales of beer at 24-hour convenience stores in Muslim-majority areas.


Datuk Dr Hassan,

1.We want to ask: any stastic or survey or proof---in last 1 year, how many of them(Muslim Youths) has brought beer?

2. Can't this youngsters/youths drive or get a cab or take a bus and buy beers at other locations? They also can get beer from other places? Remember, there is a kind of thing called:vehicle!

3. Muslim youths should have faith or iman, they will not buy any beer if they have iman. You have to believe in them.

4. They can get beer at hotels, too. Rich man can get it at clubs and many high-class places. Open your eyes to know the realistic and DO NOT tarnish the belief of all non-muslims toward PAS. You are going to kick the bucket/suicide and burn the votes from all--not only non muslims but those regard yourself as "Tak ada otak & benak"!!!

5. Below is one of the blogger's comment, you have to get someone to translate it and you will know you are really "berotak tapi tak tahu berfikir dan mengerti realiti/hakikat kemudahan pengangkutan dan boleh ke mana-mana, membeli apa-apa dengan kereta----ini bukan lagi dunia yang berbasikal dan berkereta lembu lagi, bung!"

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

老實說, 看到回教黨黨員在801示威的英雄行徑, 我除了肅然起敬外, 也為了還是要罵他們而氣惱. 為何有人總要本末倒置?

媽的. 怎麼有如此‘不化’的豬頭? 就算IQ 低於50的人也會說, 以其在所謂的回教徒區禁酒, 倒不如在全州禁回教徒買酒?

哦! 本來就已經禁了對不對? 回教徒本來就不可以買酒對不對? 那幹嘛還在回教徒區禁酒? 你們的宗教竟然對於自己的人沒有約束力嗎? 如果 “回教徒區的非回教徒可以去外面買酒”, 那難道回教徒不會駕車到外面買酒? 這是什麼邏輯? 阿婆也會說: 死肚逼!

如果回教黨在當了州政府後不知道應該怎麼做, 那我可以教他們: 嚴厲的施行回教徒不可買酒的禁令, 和禁止賣香菸給小孩的禁令一樣. 而不是禁止非回教徒賣酒. 其實已經沒有真正的純回教徒區, 各大種族參雜其中早已是事實.

說白了: 你們沒本事約束本身回教徒不喝酒, 就別禁止人家賣酒. 要不接下來還要禁甚麼? 在回教徒區不准賣避孕套? 要不就有鼓勵濫交之嫌? 在回教徒區不准開 tak halal 餐館? 怕回教徒吃? 在回教徒區不能賣日本妹的AV? 還有不准開 4-ekor, TOTO, 大彩?

到底是應該禁賣禁開, 還是禁回教徒濫交, 禁回教徒吃錯東西, 禁回教徒買咸片? 他們還自己拍呢! 要不要看?

禁賭? 開玩笑吧, 大哥. 這點, 大馬早已經是十分 muhibah, 回教徒在 TOTO外面等, 華人進去幫他們買. 要不怎麼成為人人稱羨的三大民族和睦共處?

我擔心的事情只有一件: 這開了先例, 以後所謂回教徒區會有意無意的擴張. 到時就是無處不是馬鏟區, 不管有鏟無鏟, 皆曰馬鏟區. 那很多東西都會絕跡.

回教黨的問題在於以宗教教義治國. 以宗教教義治國的問題在於 follow the book, follow the book 的問題就是與現實脫節. 這點他們不能突破, 和人民, 和他們的盟友, 都會有麻煩, 也讓支持巫統的州政府執法官員有隙縫可鑽. 而且麻煩好像才剛開始

FROM BLOG:http://botakray.blogspot.com/2009/08/blog-post_04.html


By the way Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, you are a doctor or PHd that graduated from Cairo, or from Oxford or Kansas or from Pakistan or Iran?

I am not a PHd and only a kampung boy, but I know you are insulting muslim with iman and alim, if they drink beer then it is the problem of religious education and teaching! You have to teach them, not pin-point those sellers.......

You really berotak tapi tak berbenak!!!Bung

(I think your alma Mater has to call you up and go for another round of examination as your standard really not up to the par---even Kampung Boys and Girls also know that you are insulting all muslims with faith or iman, and the problem is regarding religious education---an example: guns, weapons are dangerous, then all army and enforcement teams should not use weapons and use only "tongkat warren" or kayu?
Another example: The car you drive also dangerous, too, you better walk to office...just like knife also dangerous, you better use stick to peel an apple and cut an orange??? Or you stop all shopkeepers to sell knife, car, or even no apple and orange to be sold!)

(So, if you and family also know how to shy away from beer, then those without faith or iman, you have to teach them, ask them go for class......)


Yours truly

Victor Lee Anak Malaysia Sejati


Here are more comments to this "Datuk Dr Bodoh Tak Berbenak":


He said:

" So after all, this ain't no big deal huh, driving out of Shah Alam to get your ambers.

But, I am not finished. I just want to tell Hassan Ali to shut the fuck up when he used the PC to ask for Ronnie Lui to be removed because Liu "meddled in Islamic affairs." Can't you mother-efferers sit down and talk.....the scavengers are ready to pick your bones. The leaders of Pakatan are doing their best to mend fences and you have this upstart footsoldiers thumping their consumptive chests scoring points for mileage. I happened to meet former blogger Whatahack just this morning and he asked me to relay this message to Pakatan: WIN THE WAR FIRST, THEN YOU CAN SHOOT EACH OTHER (for all I care)....paranthesis mine."

The other one said:

camcamni said...
That Hasan Ali is a very dubious guy who was said to be eyeing the MB seat and had the cheek to negotiate with the Toyol guy for power sharing. he was so well respected when he first joined PAS and won a seat in Selangor for Parliament and State.

I agree with you that PAS, DAP and PKR should locked themselves together to get rid of BN esp UMNO and not to squabble among each other when having some power. I instructed my 2 first timere voter children to vote for PAS in Chempaka and also imfluenced many Chinese to vote PAS but seems next round I better keep my mouth shut as I was given a dressing down by friends that if compared PAS and BN, they will prefer BN cuz PAS is always never satisfied and are always too eager to grab power themselves and most of the time will come out with proposals and measure which will hurt Chinese feelings who had all these while been keeping quiet relising their mistakes in voting for PAS.

I admit not all PAS are bad but if you have some leaders who are so fanatic about their present power, then I will say.....sorry bro...no votes for you next round. So what if BN-UMNO wins in that seat, At least PKR and DAP can win in their seats and keep the Govt under PR and this is an intended lesson for PAS. We shall see.....

camcamni said...
PAS should use their influence to teach Muslims in Malaysia that alcohol is haram in Islam. PAS is trying to put the blame on others rather than their inability to teach Muslims not to go near even beer.

This is a multi racial country and we should teach people the harm of alcohol rather than force them to buy elsewhere and not nearby. This is very cleary a sign of some elements within PAS to give ammunition to BN esp MCA to shoot at PR again and I bet you the next round, PAS will lose at least 1/2 of their present seats in Selangor. Wanna bet? Of course you wont cuz its again haram to bet.

some more:
Anonymous said...
I am happy to have moderate muslims. Though I don't agree with everything you say, at least you are far more better than Hassan Ali. I have problems with people like Hassan Ali, Nasha & even Azizan. Ok lah, Azizan has learned his lesson. I will keep a beavy eye on Azizan

I felt that we should not impose too much. Like it or not, Malaysia is still a secular country even though Islam is state religion. When you have gambling house in Genting, then what's the point in imposing such simplistic ban of alcohol.

Do you know that Alcohol has Arabic origin & most arabs are muslims? It's the heart that matters. PAS should stick to spreadheading the Islamic education with muslims. Even Awareness with non muslims. Lagi better, why not listen to your christians' brothers' preaching of Love, Hope & Faith. After all, we are the people of the Book.

It's not just going in your tummy is bad. What comes out! Corruption, lies, deceits.

PAS should spreadhead this campaign & make it into a success where muslims would not drink beer even it's placed in front of you.
Change of heart more important than outward appearance.

What say you?

August 4, 2009 8:28 PM
Crankster said...
Regardless of whether it's a Christian or Muslim fanatic, I think the consumption of something as mild as alcohol shouldn't be monitored.

August 4, 2009 7:50 PM

SAJ said...
Just Remember that Hassan was once in charge of the infamous Bureau - BTN in JPM!

U still think he is genuine PR-PAS?

August 5, 2009 12:06 AM
ajip said...

you still can buy beer in tesco and giant shah alam, not enough kaa???

seksyen 8 very near to giant, tesco la....dont la be lazy... walk also less than 1 km....unker zorro can walk what when he was in USA

August 5, 2009 8:17 AM
Anonymous said...
What's the big deal? Leave the beers where they are. It is good revenue for the Government, via taxes, duties and cess or what ever.

If the Muslim zealots do not like it, just station one Syariah officer outside the 7-Eleven outlets, or do what they do best. Hide in ambush and nab the Muslim offenders. Then use the rotan that has gathered dust on the shelves.

That will certainly do the trick.

Seriously, this Muslim/Alcohol thinggy is a petty issue blown out of proportion. Muslims should excercise self restraint, rather than indulgence. Why drink when the religion forbids it? If they want to defy God's order executed by turbaned idiots, then face the consequences. Nobody forced them to drink.

Now what do we do about Tapai? Move the sale to Klang too?


Anonymous said...
Hassan Ali still has that "worker mentality" and not able to see the big picture and the bird eye view of PR Government stake over Selangor, and Malaysia on the Overall.

Do agree that Hassan Ali needs to keep his mouth shut and talk over teh tarik with Ronnie Liu to settle this Beer-Ban stuff, but not publicly over PC. that's show Hassan Ali not the fit guy to lead PAS, let alone running as MB or even Ketua Kampung for that matter.

Intelligence, knowledge and respect must be earned and once embodied in mind, Hassan Ali would have the flair of a Leader; but right now he just lack of it and simply similar to Hadi. Hassan needs to benchmark himself with DSAI for a start, and Zaid Ibrahim if not Husam Musa.



Don't worry, few weeks ago, I have seen Beer Without Alcohol from Islamic countries--I think is from Iran, or Arab......

So, Beer without alcohol will solve the problems.I almost forgot this halal beer sold by Islamic country.................Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, Zulkifli Bin Noordin, these 2 morons are really sick.....really felt-up to see their "otak udang" actions!!!Jangan bersandiwara di depan kami---go back to act with your wife, buat malu di depan orang ramai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I call up all Kedahans, do not vote this moron-- Zulkifli Bin Noordin for next general election. Remember, not even one vote for him!All Kedahans, remember do not vote this moron--Ahli Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baharu P.18!!!

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