Sunday, November 20, 2011


Masterskill Continues to be Loser?

MEGB (Masterskill) finally released it's latest quarter result today. Yes, as expected and predicted from all analysts, it is a very disappointed outcome.

MEGB's Q3 2011 net profit has dropped for almost 80% compared to previous Q3 2010, mainly due to poor revenue of 24% and continuously high expenses. High expenses is okay. But MEGB has started 3 consecutive quarter results with lower sales with higher expenses. And this quarter is the worse ever, due to the same reasons given in last quarter report.

As per prospect comment from the report, it still talk about the same craps like previous quarter. As mentioned in my previous post, I have totally loss confident in this company. The stupid comment under prospect even make me more sick. It mentioned that the directors are confident of achieving satisfactory results for the full financial year of 2011 given prevailing market conditions. Oh come on, how to consider achieving satisfactory result if the outcome is 50% poorer than last year? This is call Confident when you deliver poor result? What? It's totally craps. Sorry, I cannot accept it as an investor.

Okay, I better stop complaining. I admitted that I made a mistake in picking MEGB as part of my portfolio and repeating mistake that I was holding it for too long. As a result of dim future prospect and suspicious management quality, I have offloaded all my MEGB shares on last week at the price of RM1.36 and put it as a full stop.

Well, perhaps that's the major problem on new listed company, no historical and proven record. It's the same like HOMERIZ which I encountered the same problem, but at least I do like it's management quality. Anyway, I do like to take the risk as it may provide me huge potential return. Now I'm putting my hope on AMEDIA and PCHEM.


今天的价格是 RM1.15 了。。。。。

业绩公布前,还炒到 RM1.36。。。。。。。。。以上的博客。。。。卖掉了。。。。



当然, 会有新的股东出现。。。。。。。。

这个专门 “制造”护士的学院。。。。。。面对的竞争非常大。。。。。。。。。

因为太多学院,还有医院自己培训护士,如KPJ 医院集团。。。。没有记错,槟城的医院也有培训。。。。。。。


今年股价最高 RM4.25。。。。外国股东。。。。在RM3 就大量出票。。。。不做股东了。。。。2011年8月3日的股价是RM1.91.。。

其实, 一间培训护士的学院。。。。。是没有看头的。。。。这个培训护士面对太多竞争了。。。。。。。其实在去年已经饱和了。。。。。现在,更难了。。。。。。

不要忘记,在KPJ医院的培训, ASSUNTA 医院的培训。。。。。肯定有工可做。。。。。MEGB/ MASTERSKILL 的不一定找到工。。。加上它靠 高等教育机构的贷款。。。。。。。

由医院来培训护士最好。。。。。现在,多了几间学院和大学学院也来培训,结果, ”饱和“了。。。。。

私人学院,其实不适合 “培训护士“。。。。。特别是专门走”培训护士找吃“和靠”PTPTM 高等教育贷款“。。。。就肯定完蛋。。。。。。。。。。。




但是, 挂牌的股东,发了。。。先前也成为股东的外国基金今天,也发了。。。。。。。


如果,你在RM4买的 MEGB, 现在,你会卖吗??????

