Tuesday, May 17, 2011



中午 12点58分




他指出,本身是受到“伦理荣耀研讨会”(Unashamedly Ethical Conference)主办单位的邀请成为主讲人,主讲题目为“大马贪污现象与问责方案”,并出席研讨会于5月5日所举办的会前晚宴。








他指出,有关研讨会所定下的誓言包括由大马廉政研究所、绩效管理与传递单位和大马国际透明组织所推出的“社团廉政誓言”(Corporate Integrity pledge)。

此外,研讨会所讨论的协定是由大马国际透明组织所推出,并获得政府支持和采纳的“廉政协定”(Integrity Pact)。








《前锋报》于5月7日以封面头条方式,引述两名部落客“大狗”Bigdog.com 和Marahku的文章,指控行动党与牧师密谋建立基督国。






Grace Ng Cheo 凡是住在马来西亚的人都知道,谁会这么白痴提出这样的建议。再说,牧师们和基督徒跟随主的教义,更不会去跟他们争长短和权力。基督的国建立在天上不在地上。明明是莫须有的罪名!让大家为它忙到团团转!实在可恶之极!
约1小时前 · 赞 · 5 人

Dao Wen Grace Ng Cheo~政府选择相信部落客无中生有的言论,还把文章刊载封面版,证明了它与几个利益集团搞在一起,制造混乱,居心何其毒,路人皆知。
约1小时前 · 赞 · 1 人

Grace Ng Cheo 我是基督徒,跟随主的脚步,不敢行差踏错。如果你问十个基督徒,十一个会告诉你,建立基督国,连用头发都没有想过。我国超过60%的马来人,那是100%回教徒,别忘了,土著,华人,印度人中也有回教徒,而华人又有佛教徒和道教,真正加起来,我看基督徒都不到5%,这样的算法,那有逻辑去谈基督国?明明就是拿一只死猫要我们硬吞,只有求主赦免他们的恶行,在我们不能,在神凡事都能!


May 18, 2011

Dirty and Dangerous Politics can hurt Malaysia and Malaysians

by Ahmad Mustapha Hassan (www. themalaysianinsider.com–May 16, 2011)

In sports, games can be made dirty and sometimes fatal. But they only involve the players and nobody else. But in the case of politics, when the game becomes dirty and dangerous, the country and the people will suffer. There are no gainers and even the perpetrators themselves will suffer. Their aim is to destroy their opponents with no compunction as to what happens to the country. We have to be aware of such political shenanigans!

The current coalition of parties in power, especially the main player UMNO, is in a state of panic. The length of time that they had been in power had made them flabby in their thinking and actions. They simply cannot comprehend that their actions and the actions of their cahoots are wrong and detrimental to the welfare of the people. Their blind support for the grave mistakes by their agents proves their inability to grasp the seriousness of these actions. They pass the blame on others for the blunders made by these agent provocateurs.

It is very easy to see how the attacks by the Barisan Nasional are done and how amateurish they are. UMNO is in the first place afraid of the growing influence of PAS and thus uses religion to attack this party. UMNO accuses the party of foregoing its principles when it works with the DAP. It tries its very best to make PAS break loose from working together with the DAP. It knows that the coming together of PAS and the DAP would spell disaster for UMNO. For once the country sees the collaboration of the rural and urban voters.

UMNO even uses race to break this working arrangement. It tries to portray that by cooperating together with the DAP, PAS has abandoned the welfare of the Malays and also compromised on its Islamic principles. The strategy, however, does not work.

UMNO is also scared stiff of the influence and inroads made by PKR. To UMNO, if they could break Anwar, PKR would be completely crippled. It is not possible to use religion or race to fight PKR and so the target has to be Anwar. Anwar has the intellectual capacity that UMMO leaders are incapable of challenging. They have therefore to use other means to kill him politically. Since he has the charisma and the ability to sway crowds at all public gatherings, his image has, therefore, to be smeared.

Despite the misuse of power it has not dented Anwar’s image. They had to resort to sex scandals but this too has not helped. PKR is still popular and making serious inroads in UMNO strongholds. UMNO is now resorting to pressing the panic button. They again resorted to what they are familiar with and that is sex.

Another sex accusation was leveled at Anwar, and now the case is ongoing.The case may take some time before a verdict can be reached and in the mean time the general election is due. Desperate times need desperate means. A video purported to show an image of someone looking like Anwar having sex with a supposedly Chinese prostitute was produced to help destroy Anwar’s image. As one blogger wrote, “Out of 10 who saw the video, 11 did not believe that it was Anwar!” What a sad scheme!

Another indomitable enemy that UMNO fears is the DAP which has managed to penetrate and conquer domains that used to be the political preserve of the MCA and the Gerakan.

To UMNO, the MCA and Gerakan are spent forces and now it is up to UMNO to tackle the threat posed by the DAP. Attacks on DAP leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh had no political effect. They continue to be ever so popular.

UMNO is unable to inflict any major dent in the character of these two charismatic leaders. UMNO is also very perturbed by the impressive progress made by the DAP-led Penang government. Stronger tactics have to be resorted to by UMNO to damage the standing of the DAP and its rule in Penang.

Race issues had been tried and there is no visible effect at all. More Malays are giving support to the DAP. Religion is now being used. A meeting of Christian priests in Penang is now being used to create tension. They are accusing them of wanting to make Christianity the official religion of the country. UMNO will grab any incident and spin it to counter the challenges posed by the opposition.

Using the issue of Christianity to damage the DAP shows the kind of calibre of UMNO politicians. They will stoop to any level to achieve their goals.

But UMNO forgets that the people are smarter now. Their spin simply will not sway them. Their dirty tricks department has been recycling old gimmicks and failing miserably and in the process losing more ground. Malaysians can no longer be conned that easily.

* Ahmad Mustapha Hassan is the author of “The Unmaking of Malaysia” and a former general manager of state news agency Bernama. He was also the press secretary to former Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein and then-Deputy Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.


We Say

A Warning by the Government is NOT good enough.

This is NOT the first time Utusan Malaysia has incited racial and religious hatred against Non-Malays and Non-Muslims in the country.

It is done once too often. Malaysians have it enough.

The current Editor-in-Chief and the Editors should be charged by this UMNO-led Government for sedition and for being a REAL threat to national security and to public safety.

If not, they SHOULD be SACKED by the owners of Utusan Malaysia.

Malaysian Voters, especially NON-Malay Voters, should ALWAYS keep in mind at every Election time that the anti-Non Malays and anti-Non Muslims UTUSAN MALAYSIA is owned by UMNO.

And UTUSAN MALAYSIA has always been, and is, a MOUTH-PIECE of UMNO.

UMNO and Prime Minister Datuk Najib cannot have it both ways, by first condoning the religious bigotry and racism in its own media-mouth piece and then wanting Malaysians to unite under the 1Malaysia banner.

Therefore, we urge that UMNO MUST act against these racist and religious bigots in Utusan Malaysia, for UMNO's own good.

