Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Friday, 8 January 2010
Positive Mental Attitude

There have been some points this week where I forgot my positive mental attitude and left it somewhere else.

At these points I have been difficult to live with. Full of self-doubt and letting my inner critic roam wild.


I have kept most of the positive mental attitude I am now finally admitting I have.
I used to get mocked loads for having hope, and for having faith in people, and in myself.

So I learned from people who rate cynicism that it was bad to have these qualities. That it meant that I was gullible and stupid and bound to be let down in the long run.

But you know what? Hope increases your chances of getting things done. Because if you act through hope you make the little steps that get you there. And you don't dwell and wallow and get all in a tizzy. You know that you are sad now but know it will pass. You keep going. You look for the rainbow after the rain.

And I do have hope. I realised that when I was single for a bit before the wonderful relationship I have started, people kept saying to me "Don't worry. You are attractive. You will meet someone else" and my response was "Well, yeah. Obviously" and not because I am arrogant, just because I knew it would happen, I never doubted it would happen. And it happened.

And I know that hope makes it better. In the past when I have looked for jobs, I have either looked with hope (I'll find the right job for me) or with despair ("I need to find a job, any job will do!").

I only tend to find jobs when I search with hope. Or at least only find jobs that work for me when I do. And I get them, because I walk into the interview knowing that I applied and got to interview as the job and I fit. And then I go in knowing the job is for me. And just by knowing that I let the people interviewing me know that. It is hard to explain but it works.

Last night is an example of hope in action on a small scale. I was walking home on the slippy un-gritted roads leading to my house, but with a little bit of love (while I was walking a little girl very cutely said to her mother "you can walk on the dry bits and I'll walk on the ice. I like the ice - it's fun") and had faith that I would not slip and fall.

I managed it, got to my street and then realised that I had not bought any bread. My thoughts were, "it will be alright we have cereal and wraps for sandwiches but just in case I'll buy us some bread". The supermarkets had recently had no bread due to panic buying (seriously?) but I was determined to get some bread and lo and behold - there on the shelf was one final loaf of our favourite bread.

So I got bread, have proper sandwiches for work today and got to have toast with soup last night. Thing is with my positive attitude I had thought if not I could get cereal and rolls and we could have a little treat today. Such a simple way of looking at the world but sometimes I lose track of it and end up angry and resentful.

It feels so much better to be positive. I just hope I can keep it up.

I hope you feel positive too