Sunday, February 27, 2011


Here’s our prediction. The rally later this morning at KLCC will be an all-Indian affair. Let’s wait and see, shall we?

Now, why is it we don’t think that the Chinese will turn up?

Because they see nothing objectionable about Interlok lah. After all it’s a historical book — even Chua Soi Lek said so.

‘Chinese sell their daughters’ — “It’s true what, so why get upset?” Yes, we’ve actually come across such comments online in response to our Interlok Week postings.

In the World of Interlok, Chinese are cheats. “Kalau lu timbang barang, jangan betul sangat,” (page 367) Cing Huat the sundry shopkeeper teaches his son.

Page 368:

Yew Hock memang ada bakat berniaga, dia patuh kepada ajaran-ajaran bapanya. Menimbang barang selalu kurang, berjual beli selalu bertegang urat lebih dahulu. Satu sen pun dia tidak mahu kurang kalau menjual, kalau membeli dia mencuba seberapa yang dapat dikurangkan.

“It’s a fact what, why make noise to complain” — that’s how some Chinese responded, to justify their disinterest in the Interlok affair, unlike the overly sensitive Indians. how .

Cina baik.

The Cina jahat are like Cing Huat who’s a cutthroat moneylender, and his son Yew Hock learning the ropes from his father.

The Cina baik are Yew Seng (Cing Huat’s younger son) … and a few public personalities beloved by the Malays.

Dia [Yew Seng] tidak suka bapanya dan juga abangnya yang terlalu mementingkan wang, sehingga tidak peduli tentang keadaan di sekelilingnya.

The Cina baik, e.g. Yew Seng in Interlok, actually do not like their own kith and kin. They like the Malays better.

About the Cina jahat who are so engrossed in money that “… sehingga tidak peduli tentang keadaan di sekelilingnya …” Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha — “oblivious to their surroundings” could just as well describe those who do not care that Interlok is now compulsory in the classroom.

The Cina jahat Cing Huat “”tidak pernah kenal orang-orang kampung itu sebegitu jauh, dia kenal mereka hanya kerana urusan wang sahaja”. (Page 422)

In our previous posting, we highlighted how the descriptions of ‘sepet’ and ‘Cina gemuk’, ‘Cina gelojoh’ (greedy) were repeated dozens of times. The Shylock-like traits ascribed to the Chinese are constantly emphasized as well.

Page 472:

Abang mereka Yew Hock hampir serupa sahaja dengan bapanya, tidak mahu tahu tentang keadaan di sekelilingnya, mereka hanya mahu mencari wang …

Now imagine the entire book running in a repetitive loop, and reiterating all the worst negative stereotypes of Chinese. For example, the description of the mercenary Chinese on page 368 (see excerpt above) is a repeat of page 227 (below):

Yew Hock itu … sifat-sifat bapanya juga ada, senantiasa mahu mencari keuntungan. Dia sanggup bertegang urat leher untuk mempertahankan barang yang dijualnya dengan harga yang telah dikatakannya. Betapa pun juga orang menawar, dia tidak akan menurunkan harga barang itu, tetapi apabila membeli barang orang lain dia akan menawar sampai seberapa rendah yang dapat.

Scanned above, Page 217

Even when there is a dead man in a coffin waiting to be buried, his erstwhile friends who come to pay their respects will be avidly drinking and gambling away.


Page 42: Tetapi orang Cina lain, tidak boleh sama dengan orang Melayu. Orang Cina berniaga, mereka itu mesti tulis … Siapa yang berhutang, berapa banyak hutangnya.

Page 106: Kerana kebodohan Pak Musa telah bekerja mati-matian sewaktu hidupnya dengan Cina Panjang itu tanpa mendapat sesuatu balasan yang setimpal, dan ketika dia mati anak dan isterinya diusir begitu sahaja. Ini baru satu, tentu masih banyak lagi contoh yang lain.

Page 124: Paman Kok Leng. Dia mengira-ngira dalam kepalanya, berapa keuntungan yang akan diperolehnya.

Page 125: Mereka akan menjadi tauke timah hitam, tauke getah, tauke apa sahaja. Mereka akan menjadi orang kaya.

Page 138: Cing Huat hanya ingin satu saja. Dia ingin melihat pokok berbuahkan emas, berbuahkan duit.

Page 140: “Soal suit tak ada musuh, musuh ialah orang-orang yang mahu menghalang kita cari makan.”

Page 155: Dia, orang yang sudah ada pengalaman, ada duit dan duitnya itu beranak dan beranak.

Page 156: Dalam kota besar dan asing serupa ini orang tidak boleh kasihan, kalau kasihan kita tidak boleh kaya. Di sini wang yang menjadi ukuran. Dalam dunia ini wang itu Tuhan nombor dua.

Page 160: Aku mahu can wang …

Page 161: Asal dapat wang kerja apa pun boleh.

Page 177: Dia hanya fikirkan bagaimana dia dapat mencari wang dan menjadi kaya lekas.

Page 198: … dia sudah mulai sedar bahawa di Rantau Selatan ini, bukan semangat nenek moyang yang dapat menolong, melainkan wang ringgit.

Page 231: Kekayaan mesti ditambah, seperti dia menambah kekayaan yang ditinggalkan oleh bapanya dahulu.
No need protest, just vote

While the Indians — from NGOs to writers groups to political parties — have been up in arms over the content of the novel, the Chinese selamba aje. None of the Chinese are hopping mad like the Indians.

Or else they say, “Aiyah, no need to protest lah. When election comes around, we show our dissatisfaction through our votes.”

Remember to vote Pakatan! They will (quietly) save you from Umno. They will (silently) defend you from Umno.

The Pakatan leaders will speak up (loudly) for you!! Urm, perhaps not on ‘Interlok’. But maybe on some other issue they might, yah?

* Interlok: Everybody should just read the damn book!
* Interlok: Chinese sell their daughters
* Interlok: Chinese immigrants came here to carry shit buckets
* Interlok: Sepet, greedy Cina gemuk & liberal dummkopfs
* Interlok: Could Ridhuan Tee be right after all?
* Interlok: Ya lor, DAP pun nampak pada Melayu saja
* Interlok: Cunning Chinese swindles Malay, evicts him like a mangy dog
* Interlok: Podah Chua Soi Lek!
* Interlok: Anwar says it’s a ‘good book’
* Interlok: Sex scene, rape scenes, suicide by hanging


Interlok: Cunning Chinese swindles Malay, evicts him like a mangy dog

Posted by hartalmsm on February 25, 2011 · 4 Comments
dog-open mouth


Page 95 (above): Through this way, our [reserve Malay] land that is protected by law is mortgaged to a foreign race. We are unable to do anything.

Eventually all our property will be pawned (to the Chinese).

Page 64: … mengapa tanah itu sekarang tergadai pada orang Cina ini?

Page 88: “Cina Panjang kata tanah-tanah itu semuanya haknya belaka. Lembu yang kami bela itu pun hartanya juga. Bapa saya telah gadai kepadanya.”

Page 92: Tanah sawah, tanah kampung dan tanah kebun dekat kuala dialah [Pak Musa] yang beli. Tetapi alih-alih waktu dia mati kata Seman tanah itu semua sudah digadai pada Cina Panjang tu, dan orang Cina tu pun dah suruh Seman ini keluar dari kampung tersebut.

Page 95. “Pak Musa [Seman’s father] sudah membeli tanah-tanah itu atas namanya, bukan? Dia membeli dengan duit Cina Panjang, bukan? Berapa dia beli? Katalah tanah sawah itu berharga lima puluh ringgit, Tauke Panjang menyuruh Pak Musa menandatangani satu surat hutang, surat yang mengatakan Pak Musa ada berhutang pada dia sebanyak dua ribu atau tiga ribu ringgit, surat itulah yang disimpannya bersama-sama dengan geran tanah tadi. Kalau Pak Musa mengaku tanah tu haknya, kenalah dia bayar hutangnya sebanyak tiga ribu ringgit tu dan kalaupun Seman ni besok mau tuntut tanah tu, Cina Panjang akan menunjukkan surat hutang bapanya, nah maukah Seman membayar tiga ribu ringgit untuk tanah yang berharga lima puluh ringgit tu?”

Page 96: “Cuma satu jalan saja. Itu pun kalau orang-orang kita mau sedar, mau insaf. Jangan lagi ada orang yang ikut jejak Pak Musa itu,” ujar Penghulu Talib dengan suara yang rendah, diikuti dengan suara keluhan kecil.

(There is only one way. And that is if our people will come to their senses, and realise/be brought to reason. Don’t let others [other Malays] stumble into the same pitfall as Pak Musa.)

Page 101: “Titak apa,” ujar Cina itu kemudian. “Kalau lu titak mau keluar pun titak apa. Tapi lu mesti bayar sewa sama gua.”

Page 103: Kami tak punya rumah, kami diusir sperti anjing kurap,” jawab Seman.

Remember the lyrics of the Biro Tata Negara song ‘Anak kecil main api’? Cautioning the Malays, it goes:

Nenek moyang kaya raya

tergadai seluruh harta benda

akibat sengketa sesamalah kita

* Read also: Interlok: Could Ridhuan Tee be right after all?

Responses to “Interlok: Cunning Chinese swindles Malay, evicts him like a mangy dog”

lee wee tak says:
February 25, 2011 at 11:23 am

then who the hell are the officers in Jabatan Tanah? Who forms the state governments that oversee land matters?
Paul Warren says:
February 25, 2011 at 1:30 pm

You give them 30% shares according to NEP and they sell it, going back to zero. Then they say they got no equity. Its either very stupid or very clever.

Wonder if your heading should have been “Clever Malay fools the Chinese to think he has made a good deal.”


Interlok: Could Ridhuan Tee be right after all?

Posted by hartalmsm on February 24, 2011 · 12 Comments

When a white novelist writes the dialogue of a black character, the condescension can make his reader cringe.

Take the sample below:

“I looks like gwine to heaven, an’t thar where white folks is gwine? S’pose they’d have me thar? I’d rather go to torment, and get away from Mas’r and Missis. I had so.” (Mas’r and Missis are Master and Mistress, as the book was set during the time of black slavery in America).

Does Michelle Obama speak anything like the ‘black’ English caricatured? Heaven forbid.

Now let’s go to ‘Interlok’ and see a sampling of how the book’s Chinese characters are made to speak.


Page 61: “Gua titak mau mikin susah sama lu, Seman,” … “Tapi gua pikih lu sulah tau. Mapak lu ata manyak hutang sama gua, lia ata ngalai itu tanah kebun di kuala, tanah kampung tempat lu luluk sikalang, itu tanah sawah juga.”

Page 63: “Ini bukan sulat hutang,” jawab tauke itu. “Ini sulat tanah. Sulat hutang ada lain. … Ini hutang lu punya mapak lima libu linggit, ini dua libu linggit, ini satu libu linggit, ini satu libu linggit. Itu malang-malang angkat belum kila lagi.”

Page 64: “Ini semua hutang lu punya mapak, itu sebab gua pigang itu sulat tanah. Sikalang lu pun sutah tau. Kalau lu mau luluk juga atas gua punya tanah, lu misti mikin macam lu punya mapak. Itu pali magi tiga, satu tanah punya sewa, satu gua punya bagian, satu lu punya. Lu punya mapak kugak mikin itu macam. Kalau lu suka lu moleh luluk, kalau lu titak suka lu moleh pigi. Gua mau kasi olang lain mikin kalija.”


The scenario of the cruel and cunning Chinese man cheating the naïve Malay is paraphrased in proper MALAY LANGUAGE (BM) on Page 92:

“Waktu bapanya masih hidup, kita semua tahu, bapanya tu ada banyak membeli tanah. Tanah sawah, tanah kampung dan tanah kebun dekat kuala dialah yang beli. Tetapi alih-alih waktu dia mati kata Seman tanah itu semua sudah digadai pada Cina Panjang tu, dan orang Cina tu pun dah suruh Seman ini keluar dari kampung tersebut. Seman ini buta huruf, tuk penghulu, alif sebesar batang kelapa pun dia tak kenal, mata tongkang, jadi saya tak berapa pasti apakah betul atau tidak, ataupun orang Cina itu mau perdaya dia saja.”
Lu, gua, apa bikin?

Do many Chinese today speak such bad BM as mimicked in Interlok? How relevant is the book to our society today?

How would you feel when you’re forced to digest the ‘lu’, ‘gua’ Cina Pek mimicry, and mockery of stereotypical Chinese pronunciation, e.g. “Gua mau kasi olang lain mikin kalija.”

The Chinese character painted above by Interlok author Abdullah Hussain is the ‘bad’ Chinese. Abdullah’s ‘good’ Chinese is the one who sides with the Malay and turns his back on his own [Chinese] people.


The breach between father and son occurs on Page 240:

“Apa Ah Seng? Gua kejam apa?” suaranya keras dan meninggi [asks Cing Huat when confronted by his son Yew Seng who accuses the father of 'kacang lupakan kulit' tak kenang budi and mistreating the Malay hero].

“Papa terlalu kejam pada Seman,” jawabnya lagi dengan tenang. [replies the son]


Ah Seng repudiates his own father. As we know from previous excerpts from the novel, the Chinese have been portrayed as the scums of the earth. The Malays on the other hand have been portrayed as most kind and noble.


Leong Ang the author shd be charged under seditious act, this will solve all the problems. look at the book by the chinese author, why gomen asked police to seize them.
Xavier Gomez leong in malaysia, we have 1rule for ketuanan and cronies, and 1rule for non-ketuanana and non-cronies...

Victoria Law Wei Dao haha...
the government even support the author...
and probably the author is asked to write this story by the government...
there's no point to sue the author because this book has to go through the government before it can be mass produced...

Seen Tong Seng
I take a scenario here, let say one day a Chinese or a Malay student starts calling his Indian classmate a pariah, and this Indian student goes and complains to the school authority. Should the authority take action against the student who ...chanting the word PARIAH? If the authority takes action,then the student who chanting the word PARIAH will defend and saying the word PARIAH actually he takes from INTERLOK, he will further defend that if the word PARIAH is TABOO,then Min Of Edu should never have introduced this book in school in the first place?If no action taken, the parents of the Indian student will go to the school to question the school authority.It will be an never-ending issue here.See more

Xavier Gomez yes, this a classis example of how regimes employ replacement history and create a climate of polarisation and ethnocentric chaos to subjugate and enslave non-muslims.
Victoria Law Wei Dao
nowadays no students will even report to authorities in school about people ejeking others because it's a common thing...
and students even call teachers pariah...
the authorities in school won't take any actions unless there's a mjor problem... e.g: fighting...See more
Francis Jimis Chinese remained silent since they have no credible leaders to talk to.............
Xavier Gomez i would have to agree with you francis, with pornstars masquerading as leaders, there is bound to be a leadership crisis...



It’s the dangerous indoctrination of our children with BTN-style racial prejudice.
Some people might say “Aiya…really meh? Sure or not?”

now, let’s look at what will be actually taught to our children in school.

Below are some excerpts from the Cemerlang Bahasa Malaysia website (written by BM teacher who is obviously very passionate about his job).

It contains very comprehensive synopsis and lessons to be taught from the novel.


Novel Interlok bertemakan integrasi tiga kaum utama di Malaysia, iaitu Melayu, Cina, dan India yang terpaksa melalui pelbagai cabaran untuk hidup bersama-sama dalam sebuah negara yang bebas dan bermaruah.

- So far, so good. But then it all goes downhill from there.

4. Persoalan semangat patriotisme yang kuat dalam kalangan masyarakat imigran
Kim Lock dan Maniam masing-masing berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak mereka tidak lupa akan asal-usul bahasa ibunda mereka.

5. Persoalan kesedaran politik masyarakat berbilang kaum
Lazim dan rakan-rakannya membentuk kumpulan menentang Malayan Union demi menjaga maruah orang Melayu. Kim Lock juga menyertai persatuan untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum Cina, manakala Ramanjuga berusaha untuk menyatukan kaum India di negara yang baru merdeka itu.
- So the Malays, Chinese and Indians are portrayed as only loyal to their own countries and their own race. And they need to be organised along ethnic lines to champion their own ethnic causes. Is this all starting to sound a little too familiar yet?

5. Watak Pak Musa
Seorang yang tidak berpandangan jauh / tidak mementingkan pendidikan anak-anak.
Seorang yang pandai menyimpan rahsia
Seorang yang suka berhutang
Seorang yang suka menolong orang
- The Malay characters are characterised very simply as can be seen above. Pak Musa is analysed in 4 points. Seman (main character in the novel) has 9 points. Characterisation of the Indian characters are similarly shallow, with the main Maniam character summarised in 7 points.

Contrast with the Chinese characters: Kim Lock (supporting character) has 7 points (equal to the main Indian character and almost on par with the main Malay character). And Cing Huat (main Chinese character) has awhopping 17 POINTS. Among the characteristics of Cing Huat that students will learn are:
3. Watak Cing Huat
Watak yang penting kerana beberapa peristiwa penting yang menimpa watak utama, iaitu Seman berpunca daripada tindakannya.
Seorang yang mementingkan pelajaran
Seorang yang suka menderma
Cing Huat sangat setuju jika didirikan sekolah untuk anak-anak kaum Cina agar mereka tidak melupakan asal-usul mereka.
Seorang yang mementingkan keuntungan / mementingkan diri
Cing Huat sanggup meminjamkan wang kepada Pak Musa dengan cagaran tanah. Jika gagal membayar hutang tersebut, tanah Pak Musa akan dirampas oleh Cing Huat atau Cina Panjang.
Bersikap Prejudis
Cing Huat tidak membenarkan anaknya Yew Seng berkawan dengan orang Melayu, khususnya Lazim kerana pada sangkaannya mereka akan menjadi malas seperti orang Melayu.
Melebih-lebihkan anak lelaki
Cara berfikir Cing Huat masih terpengaruh dengan ayahnya yang tidak menghargai kelahiran anak perempuan. Akhirnya Cing Huat sedar akan kesilapannya apabila dia sanggup bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu dan India.
- So the BTN’s propaganda themes of the Chinese robbing and cheating the Malay of their wealth, the Chinese are not loyal to Malaya, the Chinese are only loyal to China, the Chinese stubbornly demand to be separate from the Malays, the Chinese hate the Malays, the Chinese look down on the Malays, yada yada yada are repated ad nauseam in the novel and being lectured to hundreds of thousands of SPM students – EVERY YEAR!.

And could this obssession with demonising the Chinese have
ANYTHING to do with the fact that Abdullah Hussain was at one time a government servant for both the Japanese and Indonesian governments – both famous for rabid anti-Chinese sentiments? Too much of an assumption? Well…

7. Nilai Cinta akan tanah air
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
8. Nilai prihatin
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
- For a novel that is supposed to teach racial unity, it is surprising that our young minds are taught again and again that Chinese and Indians really, really love their “tanah air” – China and India.
And here is the final slap in the non-Malay face
. The lessons to be taken from the novel are:

5. Kita hendaklah gigih berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup.
Di Tanah Melayu, orang Cina dan India berhijrah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain untuk memperbaiki kehidupan mereka. Contohnya, hasil kegigihannya, Kim Lock berjaya membuka kedai yang menjual pelbagai barangan.
6. Kita tidak seharusnya mudah putus asa terhadap sebarang kegagalan.
Gagal di satu-satu tempat, tidak mematikan semangat Kim Lock, sebaliknya dia berpindah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat sehinggalah dia bertapak kukuh di Simpang Empat sebagai pekedai runcit dan menjual pelbagai barangan lain.
- This falls neatly in line with the BTN propaganda that the Chinese & Indians came to Tanah Melayu to suck its wealth and escape the shithole of a homeland they had. The Chinese especially is emphasised as having completely taken over the Malays’ wealth through their incessant, ruthless cheating and lying, so “apa lagi Cina mau” right?

7. Kita hendaklah mencintai tanah air sendiri.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
8. Kita hendaklah menderma kepada orang yang memerlukan sekiranya kita mampu.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Again and again and again, the message is reinforced that the Chinese and Indians are separate and not really a part of Tanah Melayu. Instead their loyalty is to their homelands – China and India. The evidence of this are the vernacular schools that the immigrants established that teach the Chinese and Indian students to love China and India. (Remember that this is not any speculation on HartalMSM’s part, but it is a lesson breakdown done by an accomplished BM teacher!)
Imagine what the Malay students will think of their Chinese & Indian fellow students who studied at vernacular primary schools? Then imagine 4 years of public uni where the same message is reinforced by the BTN. Then imagine those going into govt service where re-auditing the BTN courses is a compulsory criteria for promotion.

The westernised liberal adults need to realise that the target market of this book are not the affluent, western-educated liberal adults who hold on to “live and let live” attitudes. The target market is the hundreds of thousands of young Malay kids who will form UMNO’s vote bank in GE14.

So the powers-that-be really couldn’t care less what the non-Malays think. In fact, if more non-Malays have this “live and let live” attitude and convinces others to be the same, it helps their cause incredibly!

So forget about voting to show your displeasure when GE13 comes – you may just find that in GE14 your one vote has been tsunami-ed by the 500,000 other pro-BTN votes because you didn’t think that Interlok was an issue to be taken seriously today.


Withdrawal of Interlok Mandatory

Saturday, 26 February 2011 admin-s

We now have access to the Official “Guidelines for the writing of textbooks” issued by the Text book division of the MOE itself, and on this basis there is no question that failure to observe these guidelines will make it mandatory that the work MUST be withdrawn as a textbook.

By Dr Collin Abraham

We are grateful once again for the opportunity to call for the total withdrawal of Interlok for the main objection stated from day one, namely, that the book does not meet the stringent pedagogic requirements for a text book.

Earlier objections were essentially on the grounds of the failure to identify specific theoretical frameworks, validity and reliability of the book material and methodology.

However we now have access to the Official “Guidelines for the writing of textbooks” issued by the Text book division of the MOE itself, and on this basis there is no question that failure to observe these guidelines will make it mandatory that the work MUST be withdrawn as a textbook.

The Chairman of the Panel, appointed to advise on the status of the book, is virtually certain to have pointed out to members that almost ALL the guidelines for a text book WERE NOT OBSERVED in the publication of INTERLOK.

The following criteria from the Guidelines should make this position absolutely clear.

1. Firstly and more specifically “Sensitive Elements and Negative elements” such as stipulated below MUST NOT be included.
“Matters which may be misconstrued, discriminatory, deemed insulting or offensive as pertaining to race, religion, culture, gender age or occupation.”
“Matters pertaining to attitudes, thoughts, and behaviour which are contrary to values in the society”

The book in fact abounds with a multitude of such sensitive and negative elements to the extent that it has been referred to as “a classic work of Malaysian racism”.

2. Other matters that MUST BE observed include the inculcation of “noble values and positive thinking”.

The ethnic and racial stereotyping that runs through the entire work totally negates and ignores this guideline.

3. The factual material must be “accurate in content and be consistent” The facts must be “valid based on ICT methods and must be reliable in theory and practice”.

The work is a fictional and imaginative novel and therefore these dimensions do not apply in the first place.

4. An important dimension repeatedly emphasized the need for critical thinking provisions stated as follows;
This should be “the platform for teaching and learning so as to stimulate and develop pupil’s imagination through thinking strategies and creative thinking”.

The book makes no attempt whatsoever to adhere to this guideline.

It would be tedious to comment on the very many submissions that the book should be retained. There may however be some reservations as to the implications and negative impact of the total withdrawal of this book in the context of national integration.

On the other hand, the government will be judged on the basis of making the final decision enhancing good governance with the important proviso that this unfortunate situation does not happen again.

written by Alice, February 27, 2011 17:32:48
All Malaysians regardless of race and religion should read this book- INTERLOK.
They should make their own conclusion about this book as well as its writer. Unable to complete reading the rather boring book, I came across rather demeaning and derogatory phrases that was disturbing. I truly wonder what was the actual intention of the writer.Anyway he wrote it 40 years ago,at a time when there may not be much available material on the caste system thus misusing the word pariah and generalising that all Indians come from this caste. Today I believe most of the Indians may not know or understand the caste system and it is totally irrelevant to a progressive nation that is if we are progressing.

I can only conclude that ppl involved in deciding to use this text as literature are terrible arrogant,insensitive,had a dirty hidden agenda . They are insincere Malaysians. They are useless educators and I believe racist hiding behind education ministry. If they were sensitive towards the feeling of the other races in Malaysia ,they definitely would not have used that book as a school textbook,It totally disgusts me that the Education Ministry which is so keen of changing books at the whims and fancy did not feel that this book is demeaning and belittling the non Malays. THEY SHOULD HAVE REMOVED THE BOOK AND APOLOGIZED TO ALL MALAYSIANS FOR THIS UNNECESSARY MISTAKE.

Their lack of sensitivity is their major problem. They are so full of themselves and their pathetic literary racist figures.This has really angered the Malaysian Indians.

My advise to the Education Ministry:
Treat others as you would like others treat you
This racist government is getting to be unbearable. It is time we remove them ....but it should be in a peaceful,inteligent way. God help.

written by syd, February 27, 2011 09:30:55
There must be a shortage of creative malay language writers in malaysia. Interlok is rubbish. How it got into the education system is probably due to friendship with the top guns at dewan bahasa dan pustaka. The income using the books for all secondary schools probably comes to hundreds of thousands per year paid to the writer, plus millions to dewan bahasa itself.

written by educationist, February 27, 2011 06:04:58
Yes, thank you Dr Colin for highlighting this point!!
On this basis, the MOE must be brought to account!!
IT is now clear as daylight there's a hidden agenda on where INterlok was approved.
I will not be so naive as to blame the Bahagian Buku Teks for such a unprofessional decision- the order must have come from the Education minister himself.
Look at him defending the indefensible!!
It is time now for opposition against Interlok to be more widespread-DAP, PKR and PAS must show their committment to an united Malaysia here.

written by JJFoo, February 27, 2011 01:59:09
Not only Interlok should be withdrawn, those perpetuating Interlok, defending its misconstrued, discriminatory, insulting and vicious insinuations are the true culprit the must be removed, in this case, its the racist UMNO/BN government.

written by Aria, February 26, 2011 23:37:02
If the government was fair and allowed all kinds of books to be read in Malaysia, then not many people will be complaining. Any book that say anything bad about the government is banned. Any book that dares to say anything bad about the Malay people will be banned. Any book that evens tries to say anything bad about Islam......the author would be hunted down and killed.

But say anything about the Chinese people or Indian people, and the government calls on the people to be more broad minded. The UMNO government trying its to imply that the Chinese and Indians are making fuss about nothing. Go to hell UMNO!!! The book must go; and Perkasa also must go and Ibrahim Ali must be put under ISA.

Just imagine a Hindraf leader that dared to talk like Ibrahim Ali. I can confidently say the MACC would kill him and throw his body out of the 15th floor.

9 February, 2011 at 1:12 pm

Interlock HAS to go! There are no two ways about it. Whatever amendments will never change the concept of the book which is to shame and condemn the Non-Malays.
Our Malay First DPM ala the Education without education Minister has sinister motives when he announced that History will be a compulsory subject.He made the annoucement during UMNO’s General Assembly!The History he had in mind is according to Perkosa/UMNO versions which will enforce the “Ketuanan Melayu” and “Pendatang” concepts supported with statements by our Indian turn Mamak converted Malay….the Racist Mahathir.

As for the so called guardians of Malaysian Indians…MIC,their Leaders statements from Saravanan,Kamalanathan(Perkosa Supporter),Subra are all carefully worded statements so as NOT to hurt Big Brother UMNO.

They dont have a principal purpose….calling for a complete withdrawal of the book.
The Indians have been systematically suppressed and spit upon for many many years yet the Indians still vote for UMNO/BN.

Let this book be a good lesson as UMNO.Najib,Moohideen and others are all wolves in sheep’s clothing. 1Malaysia is another Hollow concept without backbone!
Indians WILL never use their heads when VOTING.

Throw this BN/UMNO/MIC/Gerakan/MCA OUT into HELL come this General Elections….


The issue with Interlok is not about the veracity of the authors claim but rather the implications and repercussions. Vulnerable teenage minds are being indoctrinated. If a Malay boy calls you a pariah and walks away how would you feel. Just imagine the trauma and inferiority complex Indian students would go through when other students and teachers(yes,teachers) tease them as pariah. It is politically immature and ignorant people like you who are the bane of the community.

I still remember how the HINDRAF 5 brings the Indians unity just in a few months but finally they have broken into a few piece.

Why ? Our Indians Are Not Strong. Be United. Explain to everyone, proof them that we need to change. Some they don’t know and blindly vote for BN. We must go around and explain to them. Set up a group and check whether all the election promises have been fullfilled or not, recently TENANG when there was an indian lady told MALAYSIAKINI they will receive 5 ekar of land if vote BN. did she get it already or she make everyone stupid at time.

And for those who cheating our own community for their selfishness our Indians must be united and separate them, their every family members, childrens by not inviting for any functions, even the temple priest should not take their offerings to god. Let them feel lonely now better than we for one day.

The Malayalees, Sikhs and Cylonese are a minority and have no clout.
The bulk of the Indians in the country are the Tamils, led by their demi-god-like Samy Vellu for some 30 years.

He divided them, ostracized others.

Then came the Hindrafs but Najib split them up whilst they were in Kamunting, and funded them well to form mosquito Indian Parties.

Indians are no more king-makers in any elections. They are mere empty vessels or rather toys for UMNO to play around with.

Meanwhile Samy is sleeping soundly on his millions and feasting using golden plates and glasses while the unemployed are languishing in the prisons and mysteriously dying in police lock-ups.

Lawyer - January 19, 2011 at 2:38 pm

whats so great about just a word.
do you know that if you call a german ‘nazi’ you can get arrested in germany? after six decades!
such wounds don’t heal easily.
maybe you should talk to these people first.
I’ve been taught not to use this word out of respect for the underprivileged by my father.
I’ve never uttered that word; thats sixty years. now you think its right time to teach the kids a new expletive.
do you know as a kid of dark skin colour how you’d be derided by other kids?

I am not trying to say who is right or who is wrong. its just my feelings.

dian - January 19, 2011 at 5:02 pm

Lyrics of The Internationale (modernised by Billy Bragg)

Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don’t cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all

So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race

Amandla! A luta continua

Phua Kai Lit - January 19, 2011 at 8:55 pm

It seems most of you are missing the point. We are not against the book as it was written about 40 years ago. The issue is why make it a compulsory text books for schools now? There seems to be a hidden agenda against Indians now. Now, if I write a book about the Malays, for example, and say that the Malay race is famous for incest with their own daughters (which is a fact) and that this is their trait, will this book now be made a compulsory text book for schools?
Why not? You can write as long as it is factual. I am against censorship and book burning. So the reaction of the Indian community (I am sure all Indians are against the book) to INTERLOK is counter productive. What hidden agenda against Indians are you talking about? It is your imagination running wild here.–Din Merican

Gobi Krishnnan - January 19, 2011 at 10:19 pm

we live in a multiracial society therefore we should be sensitive and understanding. history should be written based on facts and not purely on assumptions.

and there are also a word category called euphemisms.

my humble wish is you write whatever you want but don’t insult these poor people.
the same is valid for all the minorities in this world. give them a chance.

Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar

dian - January 20, 2011 at 3:34 am

I’m pretty sure when a chinese or Malay calls an Indian the ‘P’ word,it was meant to insult… to doubts about that..saying that it does not is just a pathetic attempt to justify a rasist term..
If a book was written obout the malays.. in the same manner… if the writer is non-malay, he would probably be killed…
The ‘p’ word or any other racial insults should not be in any book……period.
Indians, rise up.. know your rights… march forward with heads held high and chest forward. Dont let anybody define or judge you.. state your terms and demand your rights.

rao - January 22, 2011 at 1:12 pm

The problem of the Indian is not the word “pariah”.The problem is the elitist Indians in MIC have been behaving like a pariah by marginalising their community especially those in the estates so much so in the Peninsular, they are the most marginalised next only to the Orang Asli.

What do you want the Indians in the estates to do in rising up. DO what? They have been rising up everybody before dawn to tap rubber and working in the oilpalm plantations to eke out a living.
No wonder Indians remain hopelessly marginalised by your kind of politics.

Frank - January 23, 2011 at 12:08 am


Bodoh punya org melayu – frank

choose your word carefully, UMNO and malay is different, will you be offended if i say BODOH PUNYA ORG INDIA

Pak Ali - January 24, 2011 at 11:17 am

will you be offended if i say BODOH PUNYA ORG INDIA- Pak Ali

Why should I?

Only pariah orang Melayu, pariah orang Cina dan pariah orang India get offended sebab mereka semua orang bodoh malu bangsa. Like YOU.

I would get offended if someone call me Bodoh punya anak Malaysia without a good reason.

Frank - January 24, 2011 at 8:29 pm


I think the government should ban the novel since it creates racial tension among Malaysian. Why don’t they replace the novel from Osman awang? i think his novel is more racial harmony.

mohdhalim - February 1, 2011 at 6:00 pm

Why make it a compulsory text books for schools now? This book should be banned.

C - February 6, 2011 at 9:04 pm

I would definitely give a big NO to the interlok. for it does hurt the feelings of an Indian and also it will become a negative remark that will be used by the others to address the Indian.
Also i can’t see the government’s rationale saying that this novel reflects to Malaysia kini and nation building and so on for there are many more good writers presented their art using the same theme such as k.s maniam in his writing In tandem. This piece of writing “INTERLOK” should be discarded.

Tarsh_smvkk@smtkk - February 9, 2011 at 11:07 am

I read the interpreted version of the novel, and I seriously think its offensive… You can’t let a raging bull run free in the field right? Its bound to cause commotion mate… Seriously your view was at a primary level, and the way you issued your view was in a very unintellectual manner… So I suggest you go back to school and take up social studies before making unnecessary turmoil remarks online…

Dude - February 13, 2011 at 4:02 pm

Should this book be introduced in school?

The answer is No, nor should the book be altered for the sake of being introduced in school. This book maybe a literary Gem for some. But it certainly is no gem for 17 year olds, for that matter in any educational institution. YES THIS BOOK SHOULD BE BANNED AS A STUDY MATERIAL. READ IT OUTSIDE NOT INSIDE AN EDUCATIONAL CENTER BE IT SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY.

Its wrong to teach students how communities are stereotyped. You send kids to school to break that chain of stereotype. By breaking that chain you are trying to sprout togetherness..oneness….1Malaysia!

The Malaysian Government has bastardised the education system to whore it for the satisfaction of political divisions. Why are educated bigots above not making noise about the glaring omission of Hang Tuah or Paramesware…

Where is the history of Lembah Bujang? Whose eyse are you trying to pull a wool on? Some of you have written extensively about how the book describes the communities in the past etc, but why dont you go and bark in PutraJaya on the omission of factual Historical facts such as Lembah Bujang. Its archeologically proven too. This 91 year old author sadly shows how low his knowledge is when he indeed wrote his book. How the hell do people like him get accorded such high titles. You want students to read and understand that Kerala is north of Andhra Pradesh.?

Who is going to correct the current 17 year olds? Are you gonna have a geography teacher at hand to explain the author had lost his bearings when he wrote about locations.

The author himself sounds like a pariah in a well in writing this book. Its a shame that some of you are defending the usage of this book in the guise of literature. This is indoctrination to menyampahkan bangsa lain in Malaysia.

Interlok is not an isolated issue and surprisingly morons who seem to dwell well on English are relatively short sighted above.

On another note, why have they edited out all the negative points pertaining Malay, and only 20 to 10 percent on the Chinese and Indians. Now what does that tell you? Do you need to be some1 of a high IQ for this?

This is why I judged that Malaysian are handicapped to call a spade a spade. Beating around the bush predominates the Malaysian Society. Its like a keris fight. Most of us will sleep off by the time the actual debate starts with foregone conclusion.

Why dont we introduce a book about something positive about Hitler? I am sure there are books which highlight the positive aspects of him. He was not screwing Jews since the day he opened his eyes did he?

Get real people.Maybe then they will produce better materials worthy of Sasterawan Negara.

Vadi - February 13, 2011 at 11:06 pm












Interlok: Bishop calls for wisdom of sensitivities
Monday, February 14 @ 22:43:49 PST

The head of Melaka-Johor Diocese describes Interlok as a poor choice for the edification of our youth.

(All friends can read this story for free)
There is an urgent need for the wisdom of sensitivity to override other imperatives in the controversy over the literary textbook 'Interlok', said the head of the Roman Catholic Church of Melaka-Johor Diocese.

Bishop Dr Paul Tan, who is also president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference, speaking as the bishop of Melaka-Johor Diocese, said a literary text that is commended for the edification of youth in a multi-racial society should adhere to supra-partisan, supra-racial standards and values.

"By those standards, 'Interlok' won't qualify as a recommended text because there is cause for legitimate concern that it gets its history and sociology wrong," opined Bishop Tan, in comments made to Malaysiakini.

"'Interlok' has got its history and sociology wrong in much the same that a local preacher of the Muslim faith has got her facts wrong about St Valentine's Day and its supposed connection to Christian lifestyles," he elaborated.

"The ease with which some with a pedagogical role in Malaysian society get their historical and sociological facts wrong is a symptom of the gulfs that prevail and the difficulty that people of goodwill face when attempting to bridge them," he remarked.

"In situations such as this one, if you persist with a text like 'Interlok', you will only freeze people in the mental and cultural ghettoes they find themselves in and as consequence, you will make racial stereotyping easy and the desire to discover the difference between appearance and reality that much harder to promote," he expatiated.

Novel's subliminal message

Tan said he found in conversations with Hindu Malaysians a sense of their being selected for cultural and religious pummeling as a consequence of the results of the 12th general election of March 2008.

"There is a feeling that a minority is being specially selected for psychological punishment as a result of the way the vote went in the last general election.

"The book 'Interlok', in its historical and cultural miscues, is seen as a text that was selected for the goal of conveying the message that a subject people ought to compare their current status with the servitude they supposedly endured in the past," commented Bishop Tan.

He held the subliminal message of the novel was that the Indian minority in Malaysia ought to compare their plight in the light of times past and times present.

"This is a highly subjective ethos which is not suitable for the edification of youth who at the school-leaving stage ought to be fed with reading material that projects universal values and themes," he said.

He also said putting one's religion, culture and ethnicity above others goes against all sense of a desire to dialogue, understand and accept others as they are, which is the foundation of the unity of a people.

For that reason, Bishop Tan said the Education Ministry should reconsider the selection of 'Interlok' as a literary text for Form 5 students and replace it with a choice that elevates rather than estranges our youth.