Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ketuanan Melayu or Ketuanan Umno? - -Ketuanan Yang Menjadi Mereka Kaya-raya, Hidup Mewah---Ketuanan Pemimpin dan Kuncu

2011年3月11日 星期五

马哈迪的宪法马来人理论(Constituitional Malay)-----不管你是印度,印尼,菲律宾,阿拉伯来的,只要你信回教,讲马来话,活马来传统,你就是马来人,你就是这片土地的主人。

这个土著非土著(Bumiputra & None-Bumiputra),对华裔印裔马来西亚人的50年的霸道欺凌,个个领域的固打优先门槛,打压欺凌,用作自肥朋党,已经不再是什么好大写特写的。你喜欢不喜欢,反正也起不了什么作用。


好了,原住民(Orang Asli)卡达山人(Kadazan),杜顺人(Dusun),姆律人(Murut),达雅(Dayak)等等,你们就醒醒,求求你,醒醒吧!你要再醉生梦死了。当欺压者把一些“非土著”公民干掉后,你们这些“非马来人土著”的末日还会远吗?


“The Orang Asli did not have more rights than the Malays to claim Malaysia as their own, as they did not set up their own states and governments.”

The former prime minister said giving Orang Asli greater rights to claim Malaysia as their own would be like handing back the United States, Australia and New Zealand to the Native American, Maori and aborigine natives of those countries respectively.

“In Malaysia, the Orang Asli are as much citizens of the country as are the people of other races. They had never set up their own states and governments,” he wrote in his blog yesterday.”

马哈迪现在说,马来人肯定比原住民Orang Asli (他肯定指卡达山,杜顺,姆律,达雅人等等)更有权力(Rights)宣称马来西亚的拥有权!包括沙巴砂劳越!


哈哈哈!终于等到了,你们这些土人Orang Asli ,卡达山,杜顺,姆律,达雅人, Bidayuh等等,这片土地交回给你们吗?休想啦!这个时候,刚刚从印度,印尼,阿拉伯,菲律宾来的,宪法马来人,才是这片土地的主人!这就是真正的马来主权至上的真面目!Yes,the real face of "Malay Supremacy"!

Joseph Pairin Kintingan, Joseph Kurup, Bernard Dompok, Maximus Ongkili 你们为什么沉默?


转载:Dr M: Malay claim to country stronger than Orang Asli’s

KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday said the Orang Asli did not have more rights than the Malays to claim Malaysia as their own, as they did not set up their own states and governments.

The former prime minister said giving Orang Asli greater rights to claim Malaysia as their own would be like handing back the United States, Australia and New Zealand to the Native American, Maori and aborigine natives of those countries respectively.
“In Malaysia, the Orang Asli are as much citizens of the country as are the people of other races. They had never set up their own states and governments,” he wrote in his blog yesterday.

Malaysia’s longest-serving prime minister said that when Europeans and even the Japanese occupiers came to Malaysia, they had dealt with and acknowledged the Malay governments.

Dr Mahathir, who is now patron of right-wing Malay rights group Perkasa, has been vigorously defending the special position of Malays of late, and last week dismissed claims that Malays are immigrants just like Chinese and Indians.

Although admitting his Indian roots, he argued that Arabs, Indians and Indonesians who adopted the Malay language, practised Malay culture and embraced Islam have become constitutional Malays through assimilation.

“I would not say I am a Malay or Malaysian of ethnic Indian origin. My mother tongue and home language is Malay, my culture and tradition is Malay and I am a Muslim. The constitution defines a Malay as a person who habitually speaks Malay, practises Malay custom and tradition and is a Muslim,” he had said.

The country’s colonisers had dealt only with the Malay rulers, said Dr Mahathir. — file picIn yesterday’s posting, Dr Mahathir said that it “could be” the case that Orang Asli had populated Peninsular Malaysia before the Malays but argued that world history showed this did not accord them immutable claim to the land.

“If we consider that the Orang Asli have more rights to claim Malaysia as their own then we should acknowledge and respect the rights of the Red Indians, the Maoris, the Australian aborigines and all the other aborigines to be given back the land we now call America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

“Perhaps in recognition of their rights, they are now not so ill-treated and killed as they were when the Europeans seized their lands. But this is not the same as declaring that the countries belong to the people originally found there,” he said.

Dr Mahathir, who was PM from 1981 to 2003, also said that while the Aztecs and Mayans had established governments in South America before Europeans settled in the region, their Spanish and Portuguese conquerors were now considered as natives of the land.

He said that Malaysia’s former colonial masters — the British, Portuguese and Dutch — recognised the Malay states and signed treaties with them.

The Japanese who occupied Malaysia during World War II also acknowledged the Malay states, he added.

“Of course when the British came back, they had to gain the assent of the Malay rulers in order to set up the Malayan Union. All subsequent agreements were with Malay rulers and Malay political leaders,” he wrote.

“It is important to note that the Malay rulers only recognised Malays as their natural ‘rakyat’. They also recognised ‘Orang Asli’ and non-Malays who had been assimilated as ‘rakyat’. However, non-Malays who continued to identify themselves with their countries of origin were not regarded as rakyat,” Dr Mahathir said.

He wrote that after the Malayan Union was formed in 1946, the concept of citizenship was introduced but still those “recognised as rakyat of the rulers were acknowledged through what came to be regarded as special positions,” referring to the special position of the Malays and native tribes in the constitution.

Dr Mahathir claimed that the right of non-Bumiputeras to practise their own culture was also “a special position.”

“The constitution also made it clear that the non-Malay citizens also have special position. Thus they may retain their original identity, use their own [mother tongue] and perpetuate their own culture. They also have the right to teach in their own languages in government supported primary schools and can set up their own private secondary schools,” he wrote.

He claimed, however, that Malaysians would like to see the end of all special privileges, and so Malaysians should be “speaking and teaching in one national language, practitioners of one national culture, and owing loyalty only to this beloved country, Malaysia.”

Dr Mahathir has in recent years stepped up his defence of the constitutional position of the Malays, resulting in accusations that he was playing the race card in an attempt to shore up support for Umno.

Since making significant gains in the 2008 general election, the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has been pushing for reforms to the country’s affirmative action policies which are widely seen as favouring the Malay-Bumiputera communities.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is expected to call for a general election in either late 2011 or early 2012, with investors and Malaysians waiting to see if he will implement reforms to match his rhetoric after a series of policy reversals.

While Najib liberalised some parts of the economy, he has shied away from big subsidy cuts or tax reforms and softened an earlier stand on reforming preferential equity ownership rules for the Malays.

Analysts expect Najib may be willing to push through reforms after the next general election, but only if he wins a strong mandate.

If he fails to restore Barisan Nasional’s two-thirds parliamentary majority, he will likely come under heavier pressure from Malay activist groups such as Perkasa who are opposed to what they view as the dismantling of “Malay constitutional rights”.
发贴者 正掌心 时间: 下午12:33
7 评论:

big boy 说...


你說的話真的讓我想起了动物農莊里的Napolean, 及那一句名言" All Animals Are Equal, But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others". 這也是內地如今的寫照!


这是APARTEID 吗?是种族隔离的一种吗???




2011年3月11日 下午12:45
正掌心 说...

Big Boy, Animal Farm 是我其中最另我震撼的书。


2011年3月11日 下午12:59
· 康华 · 说...

2011年3月11日 下午1:18
正掌心 说...

2011年3月11日 下午1:25
大佬:“反秤复民” 说...

2011年3月11日 下午6:02
anakmalaysia 说...

Sounds like a thief, act like a robber, typical bastard.
2011年3月11日 下午8:03
正掌心 说...


anakmalaysia, he play God too, he write hypocritely, he judge only others. Do not insult bastard, he is far from the standard of being bastard ok.
2011年3月12日 上午8:39


Dear Tun,

What is wrong with all the people here? I mean seriously, isn't all Abrahamic religion clearly states that the Universe was created by the God. So all of these lands and seas, they are all belong to God.

Even Islam said that Adam and Eve/Hawwa was drop to the earth for committing the crime of eating the forbidden fruit. And, they are dropped separately to India and Jeddah, and finally met each other again in the Plain of Arafat (near Mecca).

On the other hand, atheistic scientist who believe in Evolution believe the ancestor of human came from Africa about 200,000 years ago.

So if you apply both of this theories to human, you'll get a conclusion that states very clearly, even the Malay's ancestor was a foreigner once. They just came here way earlier.

And, I sincerely hope people will realize this, so we can stop arguing about who have the special right, and who don't. And hopefully, we all live together in harmony and together we should push this great country forward, to infinity and beyond.


By LionelcheeAuthor Profile Page on March 10, 2011 3:04 PM

The debate of races and origins has brought nothing except hatred amongst us. When I mentioned us, it means the citizens of the country, Malaysia. Instead the word "Malaysians", I prefer to call ourselves as citizens of a country, Malaysia.

It is embarassing to use the word "Malaysians" because different races are treated differently. The government of Malaysia chooses to treat different races differently, then let it be. Whatever we are, we are human beings and children of God. Period.

By raja longAuthor Profile Page on March 10, 2011 3:01 PM

copied from forum gerak reformasi..... may u please read.

Insaf lah ......Penyebar2 fitnah dikalangan kamu......
Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:02pm

Bukan penyebar fitnah sahaja tergulung orang2 yang rugi lagi fasik, penyampai berita arus perdana dari media cetak elektronik juga tidak terlepas, dan juga mereka2 yang menyanjung penyebar2 fitnah tersebut baik secara terus atau tidak. Ingat lah kita mati hanya sekali, dosa antara kita dan Allah bolih Allah maafkan, tetapi antara kita dan manusia lain baik segi percakapan, penulisan, pencetak, penjual akhbar, penyampai berita, penyebar audio video , semua tergulung dalam satu raga yang sama, raga jahanam. Begitu juga para ilmuan, para pembesar lain, para ulama, para imam, para khatib, para pemerintah, para penyampai berita yang berkobar kobar mendabik dada pejuang bangsa dan agama. Agama apakah yang kamu sekelian perjuangkan, PERKASA, PEKIDA dan seangkatan, mengapa senyap membisu atas kezaliman dan pendustaan yang telah semarak di bumi Malaysia ini. Mengapa di biar kan penyebar fitnah terus menyebar berita aib dan berita palsu yang langsung tidak berlandaskan dalil, baik dari segi agama atau pun segi moral etika manusia bertamaddun. Mana dia Najib, mana dia Abdullah, Mana pembesar2 lain, adakah harta yang sedang kalian kumpul akan menyelamatkan kalian dari azab Allah. Ingat lah janji Allah itu benar, azab kubur itu benar, neraka itu benar. Malaikat Israil apabila telah menjelma di hadapan kamu , lidah kalian akan lesu, akan terkedu, mata akan terbeliak, tiada apa yang dapat di putar kembali. Pencetak media, penyampai berita radio dan TV, ingatlah, setiap gerakan anda juga di sifatkan sebagai menjadi tali barut puak penyebar fitnah - subahah. Aku serah kepada Allah, sesiapa yang bersalah pasti akan tidak terlepas dari balasan, di dunia mahupun di akhirat.

Jangan sekali kali hendak memperbodohkan Allah dengan mencanangkan kalian pejuang kebenaran atau pejuang agama. kalian lah manusia , sebusuk busuk manusia kerana kamu mengunakan dalil palsu serta pemberitaan fasik dengan niat memesongkan pandangan umum rakyat Malaysia.

Jangan ingat menunaikan Umrah atau Haji akan melunaskan dosa kamu, setiap saat sepanjang masa apabila cerita fitnah kamu dari pencakapan, penulisan buku2 cetakan kamu di baca dan di terima, kamu menerima akibat nya, jika di dunia dosa bertambah, jika kamu sudah di alam barzakh, azab kamu pula akan bertambah juga, bayang kan fitnah2 kamu akan di dengari sampai bila2 kerana sudah di matrikan dalam helaian buku buku cetakan kamu.

Wahai Dr Mahathir dan kalian yang seiring dengan nya, insaf lah, umur kamu sudah di penhujung, entah esok entah lusa, Allah akan mengambil kamu kembali dan sewaktu itu, penyesalan kamu tiada erti lagi, yang pasti anak2 kamu, harta2 dunia kamu tidak akan dapat menolong kamu dari balasan Allah.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiuun.

By JoAuthor Profile Page on March 10, 2011 1:08 PM


We are all but mere mortals who are only residing temporarily on this land which in all its entirety belongs to the One God. Who are we to claim what land belongs to whom. Stop playing God.

In the end, it boils down to
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ)".
Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.